
Urine drops

Q: Every time I urinate and take taharah, I feel there are few drops which get discharged, will that make my wudu (ablution) null and will I not be in the state to offer salah?

Doubts regarding wudhu

Q: I dont know if its a problem or its natural everyday. For the last few months a white liquid comes through my penis and Alhamdullilah I perform five time prayers. I put underwear but when I am going for namaz, I dont wear underwear. Sometimes while I offer namaz I feel liquid is coming, please explain.

Masah on medical sleeves

Q: I am a breast cancer patient who underwent surgery and chemo but have developed swelling on both arms due to the side effects. Because of the swelling I have to use medical arm sleeves (compression garment) all day long till night time (bed time) as so the sleeves might help a little with the swelling. My question is, when I go out and its time to do salaah its a bit hard for me to remove the sleeves and make wudhu. Sometimes I have to remove my clothing first then remove the sleeves, what should I do? When I make the normal wudhu and when its time for the hand part I just make the motion of it without removing the sleeves and without pouring water onto it, is that ok? 

Breakers of wudhu

Q: What are the common causes for the breaking of wudhu. Please confirm. If I am not sure weather I farted or not can I say my prayer? If I see any video of naked people on whatapp (so many people send picture / videos), would my wudhu break? If I talk abusive language, would my wudhu break?