durood shareef

Reciting durood without wudhu


1. Can I recite durood without wudhu or I've been doing a sin?

2. Which durood should I recite before I sleep because I only recite Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam or Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi Wasallam and I drink milk every night.

3. I know Rasululllah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught us a du'a after drinking milk. Can you please teach me that dua'a.

Wazifa for anxiety

Q: I want to ask for wazifa. I am ill. Suddenly my heart starts beating fast, racing heart. Docters told me that it is anxiety but the medicine did not bring any improvement. My life becomes dull, hopeless, unhappy.

Marital problems

Q: I want to ask some wazifa for the success of my marital life because I am much worried nowadays. And I'm living without my husband nowadays. He was giving very tough time to me from after 20 days of marriage. Please tell me some Islamic wazifa that he become mold towards me. 

Wazifa for Insomnia

Q: I have a sleeping problem. I cant sleep all night. I took sleeping pills but due to this now I have sleep paralaysis which means that I cant move my body or not even open my eyes for 5 minutes. Please give me any dua for sleep disorder and sleep apnea. 

Marital issues

Q: Me and my wife are currently seperated and waiting for the MJC to discuss the matter. My wife says she is done with our marriage but I feel there is still room for reconcilliation. The question I have is as follows. 

1. I am being told that that my wifes decision and the fact that her mind is made up goes directly from her mother and eldest brother not to take me back. Please advise what I can do to as I want my wife back as well as my two kids. Even if there is a dua I can make to make things right between us..