
Using interest money for medical treatment and constructing toilets


1. Is it permissible to take money from an NGO or Charitable trust for medical treatment (Person who needs the money isn't capable enough to manage the expenditure)

2. Can we use interest money (Savings Bank account) for medical treatment of poor people.

3. Is it permissible to use money from interest received from a non Islamic bank for the purpose of construction of his/her own toilet.

Employee not fulfilling conditions of a contract

Q: A certain person who works at a school decided to leave with a two week notice. The contract states that a three month’s notice period must be given, which is not correct according to the labour law. The labour law states that one month’s notice must be given. However, the board has decided that if the notice period is not served, the employee must pay them three months salary. The current month will not be paid and the employee must pay them for the other two months. Is this condition correct in the light of Shari’ah?