
Getting money from social services

Q: I have been paying taxes for 5 years close to 1200 to 1400 dollars a Month.

I got laid off and now im taking social services until I find a job because I had no savings. I get about 780 a month. I gave them my friends basement address but I live with my parents. My friend even signed the letter. The thing is the amount I get for rent, is that halaal for me or do I have to make my friend make intention of it being a girl?

Opening a snooker shop


1. If I open a snooker shop, will that money be halal or haram as I know in Islam betting is haram but in this case we are not telling the players who will come to my shop to play snooker that you have to bet but more then 90% of the boys that play bet, or both of them agree to pay money. So is it still haram or halal?

2. If I wrote on a wall that betting is not allowed here then will it be enough to make snooker shop money halal?

Cancelling an insurance policy

Q: I did an insurance policy in 2014 for 10 yrs, every year I need to pay a premium of 35k. Last year I got to know that it is haram and I wanted to get myself out of that. But If I opt out now, I will loose 80% of my money. Will I be getting sin for continuing that policy. Should I just stop paying the premium. What should be my approach in this matter.

Paying for an item in instalments

Q: My question is,"I am a young person doing my job. I suffered from crises of income. My company's policy has been changed that each worker should have a smart phone to do whatsapp of any competeter activity in the market. While I don't have that phone and I don't have the payment power to purchase that cell phone on cash. So, I decided to purchase that on installment but some persons are making me tense that it is interest.(Sood). Please guide me is it sood?

Claiming money from one's father

Q: My dad gives money to pay the internet bill every month but the internet service bill has been paid automatically. I received a message yesterday and there's no one who knows how to pay the bill besides myself. So please advise me, is it permissible for me to take the internet bill money from my dad because I need the money to buy me a mobile phone?