
Adding water to milk

Q: I am a farmer and supply milk to shops. Almost all the other farmers sell their milk at a low price because they add water to the milk. The customers are aware of this as well. If I sell my milk without water, nobody will buy it because it will be more expensive than the milk with the water. If I inform my customers and mutually agree with them to add water to the milk, will it be permissible?

Adjusting the expiry date on a product

Q: I have purchased tomato sauce for resale; however, the tomato sauce is past the manufacturer’s best before date. I am in the food industry for the past 20 years and I know that the tomato sauce will not go bad by the date reflected by the manufacturer. In fact, the item is still good for another one year after the best before date. I wish to get the item tested by an independent food technologist and then adjust the date on the packaging to the date the independent food technologist recommends. Will it be permissible for me to adjust the date or will this fall under deception?

Dividends from a non-Shariah compliant investment

Q: A person has an investment in a unit trust from the 1970's. The unit trust was not shariah compliant, and thus included investments in alcohol/gambling based companies, interest based financial institutions, as well as ordinary companies.

1. Is it permissible to utilise dividends received from the unit trust to pay income tax for a business?

2. Is it permissible to offset these dividends received from the unit trust against income tax that is deducted from a persons salary by his employer? If this is permissible, can it be offset against amounts deducted for income tax in previous years (as the dividends were already received then, and tax deducted then), or would it only be permissible going forward (as dividends are received and income tax deducted)?

Online job for classifying images and products

Q: An online job involves classifying various images into appropriate product categories. One is presented an image and has to select the appropriate category. For example, an image of an iPhone is shown and one has to select the 'Electronics - Mobile Phones' category. Images for haraam items to classify also appear, such as TVs, video game consoles, alcohol, musical instruments, etc. Furthermore, animate images do often appear with the product for classification; one has to look at the animate image in order to classify the product. For example, the image of an attractive woman wearing a gold necklace (where the necklace must be classified). Or classifying a Milo tin that has an animate image on the packaging. One is paid a predetermined amount for each image classified. Please advise:

1. Is this classification of animate images permissible?

2. Is this classification of haraam products permissible?

3. Is any income haraam and Waajibut Tasadduq?

Working as an interpreter

Q: I work as an interpreter in hospitals in Delhi. Foreigners come for treatment and the hospitals give me some percent of investigation that patients have done for treatment. I asked several people who have the responsibility for marketing about additional charges when a patient comes through an interpreter. They all answered that the fee is the same when they come directly. Is it halal for me or not, if not please explain halal ways of earning as an interpreter?

Declaring war with Allah Ta'ala by dealing in interest

Q: My older brother is the head of the household and he makes most of the financial decisions for me. A while ago he made me apply for a loan that I would have to pay interest on. Now that I know that paying interest is haram, I've tried hard to convince him to cancel the loan and even told him about valid Islamic sources to show that it is a grave sin. He simply said that we're in a tough situation and I need the loan to go to college so exceptions have to be made. And he went on to add, "These online muftis don't know the difficulties our family goes through to put bread on the table." I'm in a situation where I have no control in returning the loan before interest starts accruing on it since he has control over the bank account. I fear that my family will lash out at me and maybe even cut family ties from me for putting them through difficulties for my own beliefs since they don't follow Islam as closely as I do. I'm very scared of the consequences I will have to face for letting him force me into taking a loan in which I will pay riba on. Please let me know of any way to deal with this sin that I see no way of avoiding. I would even pay 10 times the amount in sadaqa as I took in the loan (later on in my life) if I have to.