
Credit price higher than cash price

Q: Wholesalers often sell to retailers large stocks on a credit period and for this credit period they often charge a little higher price for the stock then those making cash sales. It is clear that retailers purchase big stocks and cannot pay for that upfront and often prefer to purchase on credit. Does that little higher price charged for the credit period amount to interest? A house hold appliances wholesale business is in question.

Becoming a financial advisor

Q: I have a question regarding a job as a financial advisor. Is it permissible to be a financial advisor or haram if I am working in a financial institute and NOT the banking sector. I was studying financial advisor mutual fund, when I heard that working as a fianancial advisor in any sector is haram, so I left the study.

Investing in a company that is partnered with a company that deals in haraam

Q: I had a question regarding finance in islam, specifically investing in cryptocurrencies. I understand that it is only halal to invest in companies that do not deal with any haram acts such as interest or alcohol. However, I was curious to know, if company A, for example, is completely halal in its goals but is partnered with company B that is not halal such as a banking company, is it still halal to invest in company A?

I had a friend call a local sheikh who stated that it is halal to invest in company A since the goal of the company itself, for example to build an education platform, is completely halal even though company A is partnered with company B that is not halal. I just wanted to verify this information with another sheikh to put my mind at peace since I do still have some small amount of doubt. 

Returning money that one had taken mistakenly in childhood

Q: When I was about 7 or 8 years (now I am 30 yrs ), I was at my uncle's place where I took some halalas (coins) almost 3 saudi riyals, (not in term of thief). On the way home my father asked me from where did I get this? I didn't want to dishearten my father so I spoke a lie and said that I took it from my house. It was almost 23years ago. I still remember this as I did a big sin. I also gave sadqa of 30 riyals to give them sawab. Actually, now I am not in the state of giving money back to them as I am far away nor can I talk about it. Can you please give me a solution.

Working for a company that accepts the bank's interest

Q: I have a question regarding my job. I work in a technical firm as an engineer and my company pays me a monthly salary. My company take projects from clients and after completion of projects the client pays money to company, company puts that money in the bank and then our salary comes. Although i am not sure that either company takes interest from the bank or not, but i know that in my country Pakistan, every other company does that so there is a very high possibility that my company also takes interest from bank. So now our salary comes from (Client's money + Bank interest). So what is the Islamic ruling on this issue.