
Different cash and credit price

Q: Is installment business halaal or haraam in Islam. Explaination: Company XYZ purchasing Product from Market in 1000 Rs. and Sell it on 2000 RS (double Rate) in 20 installments (100 Rs per day). One recory man is reserved for it for Recover Payment from Buyer Shops. (Recory man Salary is about 15000/month) But ON Cash Payment, Company Sale Same Product in (1500 RS). Is this type of business is halal or Haram in Islam.

Questions relating to the sale of a house


1. YYY wanted to sell his house(2003). He gave ZZZ(sister) three payment options viz a. Cash price – once off payment of full amount b. Terms price c. Rental Option

2. ZZZ chose the cash price option and paid a deposit

3. ZZZ then made a few minor payments.

4. ZZZ and her husband came to YYY house(2004), and said that they went to the bank for a loan but because of FICA documentation they were still in the process of finalising the loan. At this point, they asked YYY to consider if he will not let them pay off the balance at the amount the bank was going to charge them. YYY did not give an answer to this. How does this affect the transaction as the negotiation process was now put back on the table?

5. In 2006, YYY advised ZZZ that she hadn’t paid the full price as promised, hence YYY requested a renegotiation of the sale

6. Repeatedly over the course of time, YYY advised ZZZ not to continue depositing the money until the whole situation was settled and a shariah ruling was obtained

7. As the brother, YYY did not want to give his sister notice to vacate the house as he did not want her to be on the street

8. There was no consistency in any payments. Payments were made erratically.

9. ZZZ continued to deposit money into YYY account even when requested not to do so until the sale was clarified.

10. Despite being a cash sale, ZZZ paid the money over 10+ years at the cash price and now wants transfer of the house

Please advise on how YYY should proceed.

Forcing the purchaser to purchase the item after giving him a refund and cancelling the sale

Q: I made an online purchase from China. The seller said that he will refund me if the product did not arrive within six weeks. After six weeks, the item did not arrive so he refunded me. However, the item then arrived after three months. I contacted the seller and informed him that it has arrived, but since I no longer require it, he must arrange collection for it. The seller said that it would be too expensive, so he is insisting that I must pay him for it. What should I do? If the seller doesn’t arrange collection then what should I do with the item?

Taking an interest bearing loan to start a business

Q: I want to start the business with my friend. We live in India. I want to have clarification with following points

1. Can I start a business by taking loan based on interest?

2. If above thing is not possible then is it OK if my partners take loan and I restrain from it?

3. Is it ok if I work in their (my partners firm) which takes loans and take my share of profit as employee?

I wanted to have clarification because in any way the firm in which I am working currently has taken loan from banks for its functioning.

Installing an ATM machine on one’s premises

Q: Your answer on installing an ATM refers : "since it is possible for one to withdraw interest bearing loans through this medium, it will not be permissible to install an ATM on one’s premises as one will be aiding in the sin of riba (interest)."

Question: 1) Will it not fall in the category of having a dual purpose as it is possible to withdraw halaal savings also. The property owner cannot be responsible for someone that uses the ATM for a wrong purpose similar to the sale of grapes?

2) If the illat is "the possibility of withdrawing interest bearing loans" then till point credit card machines should also be impermissible as a person whose account is already in overdraft is in fact paying by using "interest bearing loans " irrespective of using the budget or straight option of payment.