Hijaab & Purdah

Women going to halls

Q: I have been invited to a “Walima” of a close family relative. The event will be in a hall with a screen to separate men and women. The bride will be on a stage and the bridegroom will (after the nikaah) change into a suit and go to the bride to put the ring on her finger and exchange jewellery. There will also be a lot of non-Muslims attending as well and I expect that women will be inappropriately dressed. It is claimed that there will be no photographs but I suspect that this will be difficult to enforce and control. My son has been requested to recite Qur'an at this function. My questions are:

1. Is it permissible to attend such a gathering?

2. Is it permissible for my son to recite Qur'an here?

My obvious concern is about breaking family ties should I not attend. Please advise.

Half niqaabs

Q: Nowadays it has become a fashion to wear the "half niqaabs" and in this case the whole forehead is left open. So is it permissible for a woman that wears the niqaab, to show her eyebrows?

Women leaving the home


1. Can a girl go out with her husband to tourist places provided she is covered in burqa head to toe?

2. Similarly can a married couple go for honeymoon trip to places where they are sure that there will be so much of bepardagi?

3. Can a woman go for shopping with her husband while she is covered in burqa?

4.If one's husband wants his wife to accompany him whenever he go out except to mosque and office will it be permissible for her go with her husband while they both are travelling in their car provided she is fully covered in burqa?

Family re-unions

Q: Would it be permissible to attend a family re-union? All the family is not into strict pardah but the few that are, will be together. Will it be permissible to attend? I want to go with the intention of strengthening family ties as this is the first time in five years that all the family will be together. But I don't want to go if I will be sinful?

Observing purdah

Q: I started practising purdah since marriage and encouragement from my wife. As a result my female cousins and their parents have taken offence and caused disunity. I work in a hospital amongst nurses and female colleagues (doctors). How do I correct my home situation? What stance must I take regarding family functions/dawats? How do I behave at work? Am I allowed to speak to staff colleagues regarding patient matters and my other work arrangements? Am I allowed to: 1. Initiate a greeting? 2. Treat female patients? 3. Give feedback to female spouses?

Wearing Hijaab

Q: I live in Norway and go to school there. I have worn the hijab for about 5 years now. Some days are easier then others and I feel the hijab is the best choice. But now it is restricting me from so many things here and it is attracting many comments both from believers and non believers. My question is, is it valid for me to wear it even though I don't want to. Is hijab a fard for a Muslim woman, even if I would dress modestly? I need some guidance towards this. May Allah help us all!

Observing purda with one's sister in-law

Q: I am a Muslim sister who wears hijab and I try my best to practise my faith in the best way I can. I am married but due to circumstances surrounding our jobs, we are currently living apart but meet nearly every month for a week or so the situation will get better I am keeping sabr. My husband lives with his mother, sister, brother and brothers wife, in Dubai they are practising Muslims. My husband being the active and more free of others after with often takes his sister mother and mother in law out to places like dinner, dessert etc they all talk and enjoy each other's company. From my heart I feel that it isn't right for him to take his sister in law. My brother in law keeps to his friends and doesn't take his wife out they had an arranged marriage and have one child but don't seem to be in love like my husband and I are. I would like to know whether I stand correct to inform my husband to stop taking sister in law out even with family. My sister in law is younger then me and is rather attractive, she does have nice aklaaq but I just don't feel it's safe whilst I live away from him. Please let me know of your response.