Hijaab & Purdah

Wearing the niqaab

Q: Some person was telling me that in a certain country if a woman does not do niqab then she will end up marrying a christian because the muslim men will not marry her. And women have ended up marrying christians. He was saying that marriage to christian will definitely happen if she wears niqab. So because there is less harm in not wearing niqab it would be ok not to wear it 1. Is it permissible in such a situation for a woman to leave the niqab? 2. If not can you explain the error which has been made in analogy?

Observing purda form one aunt's husband

Q: I am a young women, ready to get married. I studied kitaabs for four years . My predicament is as follows: I have an aunty (mothers sister) who stays quiet a distance away from my home. However from small I used to go and stay with her during the holidays. Over the years we have created a strong bond between myself and her family. We are so close , I can consider her as my second mother . After all this said, my story is with her husband. He is about 37 years of age. I find that over the years of staying together we have become very casual in our interaction. We laugh and joke around freely, sometimes he even touches me and vice versa. Taking into consideration all the above factors, please advise me.