Hijaab & Purdah

The place of women

Q: Could you please tell me is there a need for segregation between non mahram male and females in academic discussions and conferences? The content of discussions is halaal but sometimes there is a need for public meetings and private discussions which some brothers outside the academy feel is a sign of transgression. Is that so?

Observing purdah with ghair mahrams

Q: Must a male observe hijaab from the following?

(1) Ghair Mahrams that are past child bearing age.

(2) Ghair Mahram relatives that are past child bearing age.

(3) Ghair Mahrams that have mental illnesses.

(4) Ghair Mahram relatives that are married.

(5) Female Mahrams whose satr is exposed, like his mother, grandmother or aunt.

(6) His biological grandfather divorced his biological grandmother. The biological grandfather marries another women. Must hijaab be observed for this woman, the new wife of his biological grandfather?

(7) Female domestic workers in the home.

Wearing purdah

Q: Is there a specified age for a female to wear purdah? Is it ok for a female at the age of 50 to start doning the niqaab. What are the stipulated laws and requirements necessary to adhere and heed to when one is in niqaab? Did she sin for all the years by not wearing purdah even though she always wore hijaab. If it was a sin not wearing purdah how does she compensate for the sin? Is it permissible for a female in purdah to use public transport? Is it permissible for a female in purdah to walk on a public road. Does she have to wear gloves? I will be extremely grateful for your help as it is of profound importance.

Fear of victamisation due to wearing hijaab

Q: Taqiyyah is to safeguard and with the recent events of the world I can't help but think about a verse from the Holy Quran that says "He who disbelieves in Allah after believing in Him; not he who has been compelled, while his heart is still content with the faith, but he who opens (his) breast to disbelief, upon them shall rest wrath from Allah and for them shall be a great chastisement" [Quran 16:106] How does that apply to hijab. If a sister must go to an area where she fears for her life because people easily identify her by her hijab, is Taqiyyah permissible if she removes it for that one time?

The importance of niqaab

Q: I want to ask a question on the importance of niqaab. I belong to a Pakhtoon family and we usually put a veil on our face whenever we go outside. My two cousins each of fifteen years came for study to our house. I told my mom that I will make niqaab from them but she got angry and said that you will not get any proposal due to your extra fundamental nature. She's a single parent so she is worried. I have failed to convince her. Whenever me and my cousins confront each other, I put a side of my dupata on my face. I am doing my best and the rest is up to Allah. Mum said do this all after marriage according to the will of your husband and do hijab only in front of your male cousins not niqaab. What can I do? I am very confused. Please guide me.

Wearing purda

Q: My wife is not in niqaab but in hijaab Alhamdulilah. I however desire this in my wife and often admire women in niqab desiring this for myself. Am I wrong for having this desire? Have I sinned for wanting this even if not for my wife. My wife is slightly inclined to this but I am not pinning my hopes on this. Do you think this is just my desires disguised? Please give me advise as this is bothering me much.