Hijaab & Purdah

Wearing niqaab in public

Q: In France it is forbidden in law for woman to wear niqab in public, and it is forbidden for children to wear hijab in schools. Does the ban on these sha'air of Islam make it wajib for the Muslims of France to do hijra, i.e. emigrate to other countries?

Swimming costumes

Q: My husband wanted me to attend swimming lesson (woman only class) for safety reasons. I attended two classes wearing burkini and the
lady instructor said its difficult to teach because of burkini. Is it permissible to wear swimming costume with full length tights in a women only class?

Wearing purdah and going for Jamaat


  1. Is covering face fardh on women or just wearing burkha which covers the whole body except hands, feet and face suffice?
  2. Is going for jamaat for dawah purpose from one place to another correct in islam? Is it part of sunnah? And what about reading fazaele aamal book? I heard few scholars saying just to follow sahih hadith and not these books. Please clarify.