Hijaab & Purdah

Purdah from non-mahrams


1. I would like to know who is regarded as your mahram and who do you keep pardah from? Are milk brothers and sisters classified as mahrams? What happens if the lady who fed both of them pass away?

2. Is my step brother (both from my mother and father) classified as a mahram for my daughter?

3. Can a woman travel without a Mahram and what is the sin for doing this?

4. What is the sin for talking or even touching a non-mahram?

Fear of wearing niqaab

Q: I live in America and I really want to wear the niqab but my mother and father say not to because of the atmosphere in America nowadays. What should I do? I mean there is no way that I can wear the niqab with my mother and father telling me not to and they will not let me because they say that if the condition of some country is not good then you cannot do such a thing.

Beautifying oneself at home

Q: I know that changing the creation of Allah Ta'ala is haraam, but I want to ensure one thing that if I beautify myself at home will it be haraam? My mom keeps telling me that its not haraam if I do it at home. I wear niqaab and I try not to show myself to anyone (I used natural elements). My face is darker than my body so I am really confused.

Women wearing gloves

Q: Should I cover my hands with gloves? I am not comfortable with it because my palm get hot and sweaty which makes me irritated. I also dont have any intention of revealing my palm to non maharams intentionally. I try to cover half of my palm as my burkha got a pretty long sleeve to cover half of my palm.