Hijaab & Purdah

Observing purdah when living together with one's in-laws

Q: I wish to ask about women observing purdah in a joint family system. I got married three months ago in a joint family system. Before marriage, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala , blessed me and I was able to follow sharia rules strictly in my father’s home. We have no television at home, we only went out for necessities, and we studied school up to primary level and stayed back home and studied A level through online studies. Alhamdullilah, we observed right purdah as per sharia rulings in my father’s home. After marriage, my husband has given me a separate room. He has four young brothers and a sister living together with their mother in the same house.

My mother in law often asks me to sit together with all the family members including her sons when they gather for lunch, dinner and tea time. My husband remains quiet although he understands that this order from his mother is against the law of purdah and this gathering is illegitimate in the law of sharia for me to sit.

Secondly my mother in law asks me to open my face in the house and mingle with family members, talk and smile. I intend to ask the following question as per sharia rulings:

1. Can I sit in congregation as my mother in law desires?

2. Can I open my face in the house as my mother in law desires?

3. Can I talk in a voice that is loud enough to go in the ears of my husband’s brothers while sitting together.

4. Can I hear the voice of my husband's brothers while sitting in a congregation.

5. If I observe the ruling of the house, open my face, sit in congregation, talk loudly so that others can hear and listen to the talk of na mahram, who will be responsible for these sins. As you know that a woman is weak and helpless in Asian societies.

Fear of wearing hijaab in public

Q: I’m scared of wearing my hijab in public now. I have never been forced to wear it, and I loved wearing it for the past 6 years and still do alhumdullilah.

However, there are high risks of attacks on hijabi girls. There are more and more attacks happening and my fear is growing. I am not scared of the people attacking, nor am I scared of showing my religion of Islam. I am scared of getting hurt, being hospitalised or even dying. I have been told to keep faith in Allah and nothing will happen to me. I am keeping my faith in Allah, I am making dua to keep me safe. But what if something bad does happen? I haven’t personally been attacked yet but people around me have, what if I’m the next victim? I live in a town where there are so many racists and I mind my own business, but sometimes it’s hard to do that. I will obviously come back to wearing my hijab but not whilst I’m living in my current town. What should I do?

Shaking hands and hugging one's mother's friend

Q: My mother has a friendship with a woman (just a normal friendship). So, sometimes, when I meet her, my mother expects me to shake hands, hug and kiss her, or at least one of the mentioned. I have actually been doing this for last several years. I also need to mention that she is not a mahram to me. In addition, she does not observe hijab in front of non-mahram males. Alhamdulillaah, since last year, I actively started learning my religion. I will be 20 years old next month (September), by miladi calendar. I need to mention that the friend of my mother is more than 35 years. Most likely, she is between 35 and 40. I heard or read somewhere that shaking hands with old women is permissible if there is no fear of fitnah. I can verify that I have no fear of desire or anything attracting when I meet her since she is and looks quite old and has a husband. Also, the same with hugging and kissing if I am not wrong. However, these are things I heard or probably read from an untrustworthy source. 

Girls madrasah encouraging girls to wear tight fighting clothes for exercises

Q: My daughter is attending an Islamic Muslims girls Madrasah. After complaints from some parents that the girls are picking up weight and not very fit, they started exercise for the girls. We generally encourage our daughters not to wear tight fitting clothing, and clothing that kufaar wear, but they are forced to wear these types of clothing for their exercises. After asr and before maghrib on Fridays, we generally encourage our family members to engage in dua and ibaadat, but they use this time also for exercise. Kindly advise if this is correct? Also advise what should we as concerned parents do.

Women wearing attractive clothing when leaving the home

Q: Is it permissible for women to wear Cardigans over their abayas. These cardigans have floral designs? I told my wife that this is not allowed because its attractive. She said some of her teachers in the Madrasah said it is permissible. I have increased my Mujahada and Duaa in trying to reform my wife. But these Scholars now a days cut off my legs. Mufti Saab say my wife is insisting in wearing these floral cardigans which are attractive in nature with her abaya and stuff and I say no to her she listens but then she gets upset and nags with me. She will remain sad the whole day. Should I not give in? I want to deal with her in kindness but not at the cost of breaking the commands of Allah Ta'ala. Please explain to me in detail.