Hijaab & Purdah

Wearing the niqaab in a home with non-mahram males

Q: I have a question about purdah. I live at my mother in-laws house and I wear niqab. There are always males in the home who are my husband's cousins and uncles. Is it permissible to not wear the niqab when they are present? I try avoid taking it off as much as possible but sometimes I am unaware that they are in the home and am not wearing it which makes me feel guilty because there have been times where my husband says I should leave it off or he doesn't encourage to wear it when those particular people are around.

Purdah in the home

Q: We are living in a combined family system. my grandparents, parents, uncles, my brothers and my cousins in one big house. My mothers brothers visits us many times a week. I want to ask that to who and how should my wife make parda from these reletives " parday ka hukam kya ha ?"

Women working from home

Q: I am a single daughter of my parents and they have become very poor and weak. They are not able to earn anymore. I am a graduated girl and I want to work in order to provide for them. In 6 months I would be getting married. My in laws are not allowing me to work. The kind of jobs I get is mixing with opposite sex. The company told me that they'll provide me cab facilities and I would be going alone with the driver and a guard either male or female. My father is suffering from severe illness. Is it haraam for me to work? Or should I ask my relatives for help?