
Eating honey and olive oil

Q: I would like to know about the sunnah of honey and olive oil and how to eat it. I read some information online and what most of the websites say is that the sunnah way of eating honey is by adding it to boiling water and having it on an empty stomach, but wouldn’t the hot water kill the nutrients in the honey? And for the olive oil, would it be sunnah to have two tablespoons in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach ?

Eating from KFC and McDonalds in Muslim countries


1. Are we allowed to eat meat from food outlets such as KFC, McDonalds and other local outlets in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Turkey?

2. Also, when eating from a local outlet is it ok to trust the individual if he says the food is halal?

3. Also, I have contacted Delphin Hotel in Turkey, Antalya regarding if their meat is halal or not and they replied by saying that they produce their own meat which is cut according to shariah slaughter and I asked for proof and they sent me a video showing how the meat was cut and it seemed legitimate, they also said that if I was to come to the hotel they will show me how the processes in their slaughterhouse, is it permissible to trust them?