
Husband refusing to issue talaaq

Q: I am a mother of 4 and have communicated with a Moulana that I would like my Talaq due to a toxic and unhealthy relationship. He refuses to give me talaq and I am now considering leaving. If I leave, how long does it take for an automatic talaq to be finalised and if not how may I, as a woman, go about giving him the talaq.

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I have been married for almost four months but me and my husband have been quarreling since our nikaah day. I have been feeling very insecure as there is a girl involved which I was aware of but my husband kept saying she was just a little girl seeking attention. It has now come to my knowledge that he was involved in a haram relationship with her before nikah and I have found several inappropriate sites on his email. He claims he didn't tell me truthfully at the beginning as he was worried How it would effect our marriage. However I have come to find out everything last week and now I am really lost and confused. I don't know if I can trust him anymore. Is lying for something of this matter even allowed in Islam?

Which husband will a widow have in Jannah?

Q: I recently was asked to speak to a young man who wanted his mother to divorce her second husband. Whilst there were many valid reasons put forward as to why this divorce should go through, one statement was made which I do not fully comprehend. The son mentioned that when a woman re-marries, she will be in Jannah with the last man she was married to. Is this correct? In this case the woman was widowed as her husband was shot and killed in a robbery. The woman , no doubt , still has a lot of love and feeling for her late husband. They seem to be concerned about her ending up with her first husband in Jannah and hence justify the divorce from the second husband.Please advise.

Secondly, what is the Islamic viewpoint regarding making conditions on a person before nikah? For example, the woman will not fulfill conjugal rights or the woman will stay closer to her family instead of her in laws. Please advise.

Husband cheating on wife

Q: My husband cheated on me. He had sexual relations with a married woman and a mother of three. iI have left his home. What should I do? Should I leave him or not? I am neither able to live with him nor able to leave him. He is in love with zina.

Marital problems

Q: I am married for 15 years with 3 kids. My husband takes care of us financially but he has been cheating on me. He drinks and stays with other women and abuses me physically and mentally. He does not want to divorce but wants me gone with kids. But otherwise he is very nice to everyone else, he helps people, donates for mosques, does charity. Does this make him a good person? What do I do? Please help me do the right thing. I have been tolerating him for the sake of my kids but i m distraugt inside.