
Doubts regarding Sayyids

Q: As a lot of people believe that there are still Sayyids like my family, some I have encountered do not believe in Sayyids and say we are fake, is it true?Any prove that Sayyids actually exist from the Hadith or anything that says there would be Sayyids?

Remedy for doubts

Q: There's a thing that is troubling me a lot. I'm a person who has not much knowledge of Deen and is also stricken with waswas. My waswas were in the form of really complicated questions, about Allah's attributes, whether something is in Quran/Hadith or not, whether this thing is attributed to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) or not etc. I used to note these down in my phone so that I'd ask someone about these, and that caused the questions to increase that I have this answer in my mind, what if I have done kufr. Then I used to say that Ya Allah if any of this is kufr, forgive me. Is that the right thing to do? Also should I delete all these questions from my phone or seek answers for them in case I have unknowingly done kufr?

Reading books of a doubtful nature

Q: I would like to know about Nawaqid al Islam by Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. I have asked around at bookstores asking about it but no one has heard of it. I read it is about shirk and nullifiers so I would of like to read it but I cant understand if it is reputable to read? Is it something that is debatable? Can you please shed some light on the above mentioned book?

Doubts in salaah


1. If I make intention of namaaz aloud then I feel that it is not right so I make the intention aloud again. This causes uneasiness. What should I do?

2. In every namaaz I get a doubts of what rakaat it is. I just begin salaah and I start getting doubts. So should I sit for tashahud in all the rakaats and make sajda sahw?

3. Often I get doubts of whether it is 1st sajdah or 2nd sajdah. What must I do?

4. I have doubts whether I said the takbeer tahreema, takbeer, tashahud, durood Ebrahim etc. properly or maybe missed it out.

Doubts in salaah

Q: I lead the jamaat for asr salaah. In the second rakaat after surah fatiha, I'm not sure if I read another surah. I finished the salaah with this doubt in my mind. The maslah says that you must choose what your heart is more inclined to while you in salaah but when I read this salaah, I didn't know about this maslah. Should I make qadha of the salaah?


Q: I wore hijab two years ago and now I really want to take it off. I have been waiting for few months for that feeling to change and it's not changing. I pray and I read Quran but the environment is not helping me. A lot of people are mistreating me because of it and I feel people treat me through the hijab not for who I am. I have been searching a lot to understand why I must wear it but nothing convinced me. 

Doubts regarding kufr

Q: Does saying words like 'I knew this would happen' or 'they knew she would say that' considered kufr? What about if the one who says this says it just as a prediction, and does not intend to mean that they have knowledge of the unseen?

Doubting when haidh starts

Q: I was feeling that I might have got discharge. I did not see because most of the time I have this feeling. Later when I checked (after 1 or 2 hours) I saw blood on my clothes.

1. When should I start counting my haidh days; the time I saw the blood or when I felt the discharge (I am not sure whether I had really got the discharge and it could have been white or red also)?