

Q: I have psychosis and split personality disorder, and ocd. I was repeatedly saying things to back bite people and to to leave Islam and if I was concentrating on stopping I would be able to stop. Some times I would put my attentive on something else and then I would continue saying things that would back bite or leave Islam. Would the backbiting count and did I leave Islam?

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: My imaan is getting weak day by day. Sometimes it comes in my zehan that what if other religions are also right. What should I do now? I am very afraid that Allah will get angry with me. Please guide me. I do tawba to Allah Ta'ala for this thought. Tell me how can I make my Imaan strong.

Wasaawis owr shubuhaat

Q: Me na phly bhi sawal arsal ki tha ager aik aurt wehum our weswasay ki mareez ho quran sun rahi ho aur lufz (unfusihim) any par kisy weswasay ki waja sa khud kalami ma keh day yay to quran ka lafz ha yay to kah ja sukta ha alfaz serf etnay hi bolay zehen ma allah ki zat murad ho wo lufz bhi na bolay bus lufz son ker serf etna keh da ya to quran ka lufz kah ya to kah ja sukta ha zuban sa ya hi lufz ada kary baki wo lufz aur allah ki zat ka mutuliq weswsay ya khyal zahen ma ho to is ka kia kafara ha kia is sa iman our nikh pur aser ho ga jub ka mera kufer karna ka khial na tha bus wesway ki waja sa keh dea shitan mujy allah ka bary ma bury weswsay dal raha tha ma na apni taruf ya sooch ker ya to quran ka lufz ha our acha lufz ha alfaz keh deay mujy pata ha ya ba many jumla ha lakin mujy iman our nika ka bary ma wehum ho gaya ha mujy kuch nufseaty mesla hay jo khial zehn ma a jata ha wa zehn sa nahi niklta pleeeeeeez mujy is ka hal batain muj sa weswason ki waja sa ba mani sa jumaly nikul jaty ha halanka mera koi muksud nahi hota pher mujy apny lman our nikha ki feker ho jaty ha pleez mujy batain asy halat may main kia kron ma bary tention ma ho our dosra jumla ma bolnay to ya lagi thi khana kaba ki tarf monh ker ka nahi thokna nahi cahyeh lakin ma na do teen bar ya keh dea khana kaba ki trf monh ker kay thokna chahy nahi yani nahi bad ma kaha chahey phly keh dea ma na gult jumla bol dea ha is ki waja sa mujhey itny den sa tention ma hon phir meney socha kay tention leney say behtar hai app say rahunamai hasil karoon.

Following one Aalim who one has confidence in

Q: I suffer from this type of ocd called scrupulosity. This often makes me have obsessive guilt. I fear that I have made the wrong choice on some islamic controversial issues and disagreements among the scholars such as music and other disagreements scholars have disagreements on. For example, for music I follow the opinion that music is permissible as long as if doesn't contain bad words and sexual content or provokes lustful desires. After researching the hadiths and reading different opinions I felt happy and confident with my choice. The waswas came and has made feel doubt. Not just on this issue but others as well. I fear that I have made the wrong choice and that I'll go to hell for it. I became so obsessed about thinking about my decision. Why does shaitan put this doubt in me and cause me anxiety. What if I make the wrong choice and side with the wrong scholars, will I be put to hell and punished by God? How can I feel confident on my choice without feeling doubt and obsessive guilt?

Doubts regarding wet dreams

Q: I think I might be suffering from OCD as I constantly have doubts about everything. In the mornings when I wake up to pray fajar there is still lots of time left after I finish to go back to sleep, but I am always scared I might get a wet dream so I stay up. But this got very tiring after a week because I am still a student and so I decided to go to sleep. The problem is that I constantly or very frequently will worry about getting a wet dream because I used to get them quite frequently before and they caused me a lot of distress and made me have doubts all time and made my life very stressful and hard to live. So now every time I am going to sleep I am always worrying about it and sometimes I do get a wet dream I think (I don't know for sure if it is a wet ream because I have been told that a wet dream must contain an orgasm, and I never remember having one) in the morning it is very hard for me to know if there is extra wetness because I always have some vaginal discharge. The day before I was getting a lot so I couldn't tell this morning. I decided to do some research on it and found a female Muslim's article and read it and it says that I must have certainty that I had an orgasm to make ghusl. But since I suffer from doubts a lot all the time it is very hard for me. Before I would just make ghusl even if I wasn't sure but that caused my doubts to get even worse because even the smallest doubt I would go take a shower and make ghusl. My mom is very upset with me and gets angry if I take so many showers all the time So my questions are:

1) What do I do in these situations? I am a very doubtful person and can never tell. Do I just make ghusl every single time then? This caused me a lot of hardship in the past because I have many doubts all the time.

2) When I woke up this morning after having a wet dream I didn't remember having an orgasm and I didn't fully remember the dream and couldn't tell is there was extra wetness because I was having lots of vaginal discharge the day before so I didn't make ghusl. I had to go to school so I changed my clothes and when I came home I did wudu and prayed namaz, but then I was having doubts again. Did I do the right thing this morning, because I have done a lot of research and they always say unless you can make a promise to Allah saying your wudu has broken it hasn't, so since i wasn't sure at all I thought I would try to stop my doubtful thoughts by not doing my normal routine showering but then I just got more because I keeping thinking what if I did the wrong thing.

3) How can I over come these thoughts? They have controlled me for 2-3 years and they make doing simple things like namaaz and wudu very difficult for me. So do I still need to do ghusl even if i am not sure I had an orgasm in my wet dream at all? Are the clothes I wore to school napak now? Did my namaz not count?

4) After I went to the bathroom this morning to use the toilet before school I washed myself like I normally do after I urinate but there were drops of water after I got up from the toilet from the water I used that touches my clothes. Are my clothes napaak because i didn't do ghusl?

5) If I sat somewhere with those wet drops in my pants did the place like sofa or bed become napaak?

6) If I have wet dreams in the future when I don't remember them and am not sure if there was an orgasm and can't tell if there is extra wetness because of vaginal discharge what do I do becuase they happen frequently and when I wake up I am very sure I didn't have an orgasm because I don't remember having it at all but then my doubts start and I begin to worry that I am always making a mistake?

7) Since I didn't shower until the next day, did all the clothes I changed into get napaak too?

Please help me I am very troubled with my life right now. I think I have gone crazy. Thank you for helping me with my doubts may Allah reward you.