
Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: I have a problem with my bladder. The bladder keeps leaking urine into my private organ. It doesn't come out unless I touch my private organ or if something else touches it like tissue or my underpants. At the moment when I go to the toilet to urinate, I take off the tissue that is around my private organ and throw it away down the toilet then I urinate then I wait a few minutes then I squeeze my private organ a few times then I get some tissue and wipe the tip of my private organ to get rid of any wetness then I wash my private organ a few times then I wait a few minutes for my private organ to dry then I wrap tissue round it then I do wudhu and pray namaz. After I wash my private organ when I'm still sitting on the toilet seat or when I'm getting up or when I'm washing my back impurity then what if my private organ touches the toilet seat or the inner sides of my legs, I don't know if something will come out probably. I just want to know if what I'm doing is right and will my namaz count, if not then what shall I do.

Doubts regarding purity

Q: I was going through a bad situation where I was having trouble controlling my bladder and with waswasas, this resulted in me urinating myself a bit and also rushing to the toilet resulting in urine getting on my body and on my clothes and on the floor and also sometimes sitting on napaak toilet seats and this resulted in a lot of waswasas, but now I have got medical help things are better but when I was going through the bad situation I either knowingly or unknowingly made things napaak without thinking. I would have touched doors or walls without thinking and also the clothes that I was wearing which were napaak will have touched things whilst I was walking or I may have sat on things or the floor whilst I was napaak or walked whilst my feet were napaak. The thing is I can't really remember what is napaak and what isn't or where did I sit or what did I touch and those things that I do remember I'm not really sure what to do about it and some of it is in public places like the musjid, I always tried my best thinking things over and over again and I have a lot of doubts about what I made napaak so what shall I do?

Doubts with regards to wet dreams

Q: I do suffer from wawasas but Alhamdulilah I am ignoring them to the utmost level. However, some times after Fajr salah I sleep and later on waking I doubt if I had a wet dream or not. Sometimes I remember and do ghusl sometimes I don't remember the dream and see no discharge still I doubt throughout the day. What should I do?

Doubts with regards to one's Hajj being valid

Q: I am an extremely doubtful person. I always have doubts about purification. I always feels I had missed something in wudhu and ghusl. I had performed hajj 3 years ago alhamdulilah. I had performed all thing step by step there was no doubt at that time. After that sometimes a doubt came in my mind whether I had done wudhu and ghusl properly and completely or I had missed something at time of Tawaf-E-Ziyarat. I am also not sure about this. I try to remember but I can't. So should I give dam for this doubt? And my wife would be halaal for me? Please kindly advice me. I am very frustrated with this.


Q: If I am doubtful (due to lack of concentration/absent mindedness) as to whether I walked in a carpeted room with napaak slippers and there is no visible sign or smell of napaaki on the carpet, do I regard the carpet as paak to walk on with wet feet and to perform Salaah on, or does it have to be washed? NB: This particular type of doubt has occurred at least twice previously. It is habit to remove the slippers prior to going in to the said room, because I perform Salaah in that room, but as I said due to absent mindedness I could have walked in that room with the slippers, and although there is no visible sign or smell of napaaki, if it was present in the form of a few drops of urine, it would be impossible to tell.

Doubts regarding purity

Q: There was a time few years ago when, due to OCD, I would remain in a napaak state, na'oodhoobillah. One day my father insisted that I should make Wudhu and perform Salah as Shaytaan was playing with me.I did not want to perform Wudhu because I felt that my feet were napaak and therefore if I washed my feet and wore the slippers that my parents use & then walked in the room in which they perform Salah with wet feet, the carpet in that room would become napaak. I however had no choice but to do so.

Doubts with regards to urine

Q: I have a question about urine drops. I took my four year old to the toilet and I wiped her first and her urine dropped on my hands as I went to reach out for the water I'm not sure if the urine went anywhere else. It was a very small drop but I didn't think it would go anywhere up until I went to wash my hands.

Doubts and waswasas regarding purity


(A) I had a shower at night. I washed my slippers and feet whilst in the shower.

(B) Then I went out of the house for just over 2 hours wearing the same slippers. When I returned home it is most likely that, by that time, my slippers were dry.

(C) I then got in to the sleeping bag, which I have borrowed from my parents home and which I am using at my house. At the time I went to sleep in the sleeping bag it is most likely that my feet were dry. At the time of sleeping, I thought to myself, when I wake up in the morning I must wash my feet and slippers again as a precautionary measure.

Uttering words of kufr

Q: My spouse uttered words of kufr. She renewed her Imaan by reciting one or both kalimas, i.e. she may have recited first Kalima only or second Kalima only or both of them. I cannot now recall. She also recited Imaan-e-Mujmal and Imaan-e-mufassal and made tauba. Nikah was then re-performed. Is the Nikah valid even though she may have recited only one of the two kalimas? I do suffer from very bad waswasa regarding these matters, so please bear this in mind when answering.