
Passing wind

Q: I wanted to ask if one passed gas but feels as if some stool might have almost passed and touched the underwear what should one do? I have started to ignore these thoughts and now normally don't pay attention to these doubts. But today while I was in my mum's room I felt as if stool might have touched my underwear while passing gas. But I didn't do much and layer in her bed and passed gas some more. But then the thoughts started to make me uncomfortable so I got up and just as I was about to leave the room is passed gas again - this time bigger one. I went to check my underwear for wetness or stain. I ran my hands on error the underwear but found nothing the first couple of times but then I felt some wetness (not dripping consistency, it was very very light). Now I'm not sure if this was my waswasa making me believe that there is something or if it was actually there. I was wearing black underwear so it was difficult to be sure. But then I shed some light onto the part where I felt wetness and I saw that the area was a bit darker. But then again, because it was silk it normally leaves a mark when I sit for long, like a dent. No stool but it could have been moisture after gas. But what I don't understand is that why I didn't feel this wetness before? I changed my clothes. I was also wearing dark colored tights. They were also silk. Now my mum was furious because she thought I must have made her bed napak too. I'm. Not sure if the wetness transferred onto the bed as it was too little. I'm not even sure if the moisture (if it was real and not just my imagination) was released when I passed gas in bed or while I was standing. I think it must be while I was standing since it was a bigger and more open wind I had released. When I came down I wasn't sure what to do so I just came and layed in her bed again without cleaning the area or the blanket. I had taken shower but dried myself too so I don't think the najasat (if on bed, would have dried out as I took at least 30 mins to come down) had transferred onto my new clothes which were dry as well. But my mum made me clean the area and now I'm not sure if my new clothes are also napak or not? Am I napak? Was the bed napak? Are my clothes napak. I did clean her bed and the blanket where I think najasat could have transferred as I'm not sure which areas were affected. Do I ignore these thoughts in this circumstance and the similar ones in the future too?



Salaah: During prayer, I have a problem to recite properly and I focus on correct pronunciations. So I have to repeat again and again. Due to this my prayer goes too long. Even my four rakaats complete in 20 to 25 mins (one rakat takes 5 to 7 mins ). Zuhr takes one hour 10 mins. Please help me.

Wudu: If a person pours and splashes water on face three times and later on during salaah some doubts comes to mind weather his face was fully wet or not so what should he do? Continue to perform salaah or break the salaah and do wudhu again?

Waswasas and doubts

Q: Please advise on any action to be taken or moreso specifically any Duaa to be read for protection against the evil whisperings of shaytaan which often occurs whilst reading Salaah or Quraan and as well as other acts of Ibaadaat. These evil thoughts are of a grave nature which is really bad but constantly comes to mind when reading Salaah and other Ibaadaat Salaah. As much as I try to ignore them, the more it occurs.

A) is Salaah valid if these thoughts cpme to mind whilst reading Salaah?

B) how should one avoid them? I also experience plenty of doubt so much so that sometimes I read the same Salaah couple of times.doubt is about if i read a Surah after Surah Fatiha, did I recite property, did i sit for Tashahud, did I miss a rakaat? I also experience lots of doubt whilst making wudhu?

C) how should these doubts be ignored?

D) with regards to Salaah, if i have doubts if I read a Surah after Surah Fatiha or if I read Tashahud, what should I do?

E) if I feel I read but in actual fact I never read at all, will my Salaah be valid?

F) with regards to Wudhu, if I doubt I broke Wudhu and I try to ignore the doubt, and feel that I did not break Wudhu, but in actual fact I did break wudhu and I read Salaah, Will my Salaah be valid?

G) If Salaah is read while evil Haraam thoughts cross the mind, Is the Salaah valid? Before I used to read Quraan and Salaah with ease, nowadays I feel it difficult due to the above, please advise on any course of action to take to remove them.

Stickiness remaining after removing a plaster

Q: Due to a small tiny cut on my left knuckle middle finger I put a plaster on it, I removed the plaster afterwards and washed my hands but realised later after that there was still some residue of the plaster stickiness/glue left so if you rubbed it off it would form like a sticky rubber effect. Because I may have washed impure hands afterwards whilst the stickiness was there and not realising and then wiped them with a towel, I am concerned impurity may have been spread or would be pure as I initially did wash my hands but did not realise the stickiness was still there. I am a waswas sufferer and I am getting better everyday with the help of the almighty therefore I am always very concerned on purity as I always think I am spreading impurity everywhere.

Water on the toilet seat

Q: I really need some advice on the principle of cleanliness. I use to see water sometimes go underneath the toilet seat and then onto the floor of the toilet. However, before I never realised this and carried on wearing sandals from the toilet to the bathroom, and sometimes walked in the toilet barefoot.

1) Does this mean the toilet floor and bathroom floor are najas because of water being transferred? Also, ever since buying a new toilet seat I have seen that this one doesn't allow water to fall from beneath the toilet seat onto the floor but my brother goes in barefoot and walks into the bathroom like that. When I usually clean the toilet seat I see urine underneath, which most likely means the water on the floor was najas all this time. I don't know if my toilet was mopped before or not, but

2) does this mean najas water has been tread on and transferred by foot everywhere. Also, I wash the sandals every time I see them flipped face downwards on the bathroom floor, even though this can be time consuming. I use to suffer from a lot of waswasa many years ago and pray to never go there again. I really need some clarity on this matter because I worry I might over do cleaning things again. I might be overthinking this because my mum also walks into the bathroom barefoot sometimes and even when the floor is wet, which makes me think I might be losing my mind again, but I don't ask her anything about it Incase she thinks I've lost my mind again.

3) If my family walk barefoot on the bathroom floor and then wear a clean pair of sandals I've washed, do I have to wash them again?

4) Furthermore, do I have to wipe the toilet seat with a dry tissue and then with a wet one every time I find the lid open? Does it matter if someone before me didn't wipe the toilet seat dry after finding the toilet lid open? (Sorry for making it very long) I have owned two hoovers so far, and the old one was used in the bathroom when the floor was wet but I didn't know much about cleanliness back then. With the new one, I don't remember if I've used it on the bathroom floor when it was wet, but I am 100% sure that I've used the shorter top end of it to clean the floor when it was wet. Does this mean the whole Hoover is najas; because I don't remember if I touched other parts of it with wetness on my hand.

5) what should I do to clean the Hoover? Do I just wipe the shorter end of it and leave it at that.

Wet dream

Q: Before I was pregnant when I used to sleep and wake up for fajr maybe only once a month, I used to feel wetness in my private area so I used to make ghusal. Now this pass week I feel wetness everyday. I know exactly how mani feels, when a women experiences mani its a lot of discharge that's slightly thick. I have had wet dreams before and know how mani is after the wet dream. This week I have been feeling wetness everyday. I know it is not mani because I know how mani is. I really really think its wadi (normal discharge ) but I suffer from Lot of waswasaa and I don't remember having a dream but I doubt in the morning after I prayed fajr if I had a dream that night or not and than I feel guilty the whole time that I prayed fajr while I needed to do ghusal. So my question is, if one doubts if they had a dream or not and than doubts if its mazi or wadi is ghusal fard? I don't remember having a dream but I think waswasaa makes me doubt if I had 1 or not.


Q: I take a shower and then separately I wash out my feet along with slippers, is this the right way? Or taking shower is enough. And when my feet are wet then I don't step on the carpet without slippers because at our home people step on the carpet with slippers (also with the ones which are used in the washroom) so this thing brings me in doubt that the carpet is not paak. Please advise what to do.