
Eating restaurant foods

Q: It is common that for a person to achieve taqwa and progress on the pathway towards Allah Ta'ala, a person is advised to stay away from eating 'out' food. My question is, which aspect about "eating out food" makes it doubtful and should keep us away from it.

Business partner intending to open a bar in a jointly owned restaurant

Q: I have a restaurant in India with a partner. We have all halal food. Our partner now wants to open a bar section and wants to sell alcohol as all the resturants are doing the same to survive. I have told him that i won't partake in the earnings from selling alcohol. But will it be okay if he uses the same premises but i won't take part in the alcohol selling part of the business?

Eating at haraam outlets

Q: I study in China and I have a lot of difficulties in eating food and deciding between Halal and Haraam. I want to ask you to please clarify me somethings.

1. Can we eat chicken or beef at International Brands like KFC, McDonalds etc.? 

2. Are the flavored crisps like Lays BBQ flavor halal or haraam? Please help me in this regard.

Eating out

Q: I personally dislike visiting restaurants/eating out, because I feel they are places of the dunya and a waste of money. However, my wife enjoys visiting restaurants and wants me to take her out to eat now and again. She agrees that we only go to places which have pardah facilities (screens), no music and reliable halaal food. Should I take my wife out to eat since this is important for her, and be thankful for the fact that she is particular with her parda and avoiding haram? Or should I follow my own feeling that eating out shows love of the dunya and is a waste of time and money, and thus refuse to take her out? If so, what alternatives can I provide her to keep her happy? My wife's background is such that she is not happy just sitting at home.