
Giving money to the musjid with the intention of settling one's debt

Q: I have a debt with my friend. He payed for a bowling event and I was supposed to pay him back. I've been wanting to pay him back but everytime I tried to pay him back he said that we will talk about it next time. However he did not say he will forgive my debt. How am I supposed to deal with this? I know that having a debt and not paying it can be a hurdle for me to enter heaven. If I donate it to the mosque will it considered as done? My previous teacher told me that as long as the person is still alive, I have to pay him. Its been a year already.

Selling a musjid

Q: There is a masjid in that is now being sold to purchase a new property. Some main points:

- It’s mainly indo-pak community so 90 to 95% of the congregation is Hanafi

- The committee is Hanafi as well

- The committee is now saying they never made intention for it to be a masjid

- Some Ulama are saying intention was made

- The new masjid property is 5 stories and accommodates the biggest Muslim community in Toronto

- The current masjid cannot accommodate the amount of kids in the area for Maktab, Jummah etc.

- There is no possibility of extending the current “Masjid” because of the type of building and area it is situated in.

Are they allowed to sell the masjid if the intention was made for masjid? Someone said that they are allowed to take rulings from other Madhabs in this scenario to find a way to fix the issue at hand, is this correct? What should be done in this scenario?

TV screen in the musjid

Q: I have question regarding photography in the masjid. Nowadays we see in our country that there is a big screen inside the masjid in which we can see the imam who is delivering a bayan, etc. I want to know if that is correct?

Secondly I have heard that if there is an animated object where salah is perform than your salah will be makrooh? Is this correct?

Non-Muslims entering Musjids


1. Are non-Muslims allowed in masjids? Can Non-Muslims be invited into the masajid by Muslims?

2. Can non-Muslims enter into Makkah or Madinah or the Haram boundaries?

3. Can we invite non-Muslims to our house for lunch/dinner or their bad company could affect our Iman as well? Can we be friends with non-muslims?

Renting out land that was made waqf for a musjid

Q: A plot of land was made waqaf for a musjid in the 1970s, however no musjid was built on it because of the group areas act. In 1980 a musjid was constructed on another site. All these years the jamaat has been paying rates etc. for the first plot. There is no need to build a second musjid as the town is small and the current musjid suffices for the towns needs. We pose the following questions:

1. Can the land be let out temporarily?

2. Can the jamaat build houses on the land for income permanently?

3. How should the income be utilised?

4. Can the income of the waqf land be utilised for running the affairs of the current musjid?

Dismissing a trustee

Q: Can a person be allowed to be the trustee of a musjid when work in repairs of a masjid could be done for R6000 and he presents a quote for R60000 without really checking the true extent of repairs required. Should such a person be expelled from the Trust and can this be classified as deception and abuse of amanaat funds?

Trustee claiming the money he contributed to the Musjid

Q: A group of trustees were under the impression that one of the trustees was actively maintaining the musjid using his personal funds for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. In one meeting this trustee mentioned that the funds he had contributed was not his contribution but a loan for 2 years of maintenance. Had the other trustees knew that from the beginning, they would not have allowed him to accumulate such a debt.

Moreover this trustee was making unilateral decisions and marginalizing the rest of the trustees. In short the other trustees had no say and when they contested all would end up in an argument. Are we obliged to repay the debt?

Leaving the Musjid with the left foot

Q: Is there any hadith with reference which states it is sunnah to enter the Masjid with the right foot and leave the Masjid with the left foot? If there isn't any hadith which states one should leave the Masjid with the left foot, is it permissible and better to leave the Masjid with the right ​foot if one intends to do something good when leaving the Masjid?