
Going to the Musjid after playing sports

Q: I came to know that wearing half sleeves shirt while performing Salaah is Maqrooh. I want ask that I go for squash daily from asr to maghrib so I wear half sleeves so I can play and it is very difficult to first pray in full sleeves than go back home and prepare for Squash. I also want to know that as squash makes you sweat, so can I pray in sweaty shirts as well as half sleeves?

Does a Musjid have more virtue than a jamaat khaana?

Q: If a jamaat khana is on its own property, with the property being on a 'educational trust' etc with trustees etc, like how a normal masjid would be, all salaah etc But due to the zoning not yet being passed through the municipality as a religious site, it has not yet been declared a masjid. If the permission is granted, immediately it would be a masjid. My question is, is salaah in this jamaat khana inferior to that performed in a masjid 5 minutes away?