
Making masah on leather shoes

Q: As if we wear leather socks so we do not need to wash our feets on every wadhu, masah is enough to complete the wadhu? So I want to know likely as if we wear cotton socks an on it we normally wear leather shoes so is it allowed that we do only masah like we do on leather socks, will the wadhu be valid?

Wiping off impurity on a shoe

Q: A couple of years ago, I messed my sisters shoe with some impurities and I just wiped it off. She uses that shoe for wudhu. Now later in my life I'm regretting not telling her at the time/washing the impurities off. Since she puts her wet foot in the shoe, her foot will become dirty. She doesn't know anything about this. Are all her Salaahs accepted? Will I be responsible for all her Salaahs not being accepted and will I have to pay her for all those Salaahs in the Aakhira? I don't know whether she still uses that shoe. I'm very remorseful and worried about this. What should I do?