
Eating meat

Q: Some sisters were having a conversation on the eating of meat. One sister commented that there is a hadeeth where the Prophet Muhammed sallallahu alahi wa salaam says: "Do not let your stomach become a graveyard for animals." I have never heard of this hadeeth nor seen it anywhere. I once saw that Ali radhiyallahu anhu said that, otherwise no one can give clear proof.

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: My two questions are below:

1. When I shop at a butcher or other store I often find that even though the store is muslim owned they often have non-muslims helping to pack the bought stuff. On a few occasions I found that when they packing my stuff which is often frozen and therefore wet/moist they first lick their fingers to open the packet, therefore their hands have their saliva and then they touch my bought items which are wet. Does this then make my bought items napaak as I am not sure if their saliva is paak?

2. My aunt lives in a complex, near the entrance gate the floor is always wet as the cleaners sometimes clean the front area and also the residents throw the water they use to clean their homes out in the front. My aunt also mentioned to me that the sewage pipe is near the gate and it sometimes leaks. Therefore I never know the source of the wetness on the floor. When I visit and walk on this wet area (it is hard to avoid as the whole entrance is wet), I am not sure whether my shoes and everywhere I walk thereafter with my shoes are becoming napaak. Please can you advise what I should do in this situation?

Staying away from doubtful meat

Q: I would like to enquire whether we can trust MJC and NIHT. Reason being there seems to be a lot of doubt with these as compared to SANHA. It makes me wonder how all the meat supplied to Mc Donalds and KFC can be halaal as there is a lot of animals that would be slaughtered and to slaughter an animal in compliance with shariah takes more time and care so how do we know that these animals are being slaughtered accordingly?