
Enjoying lawful things in Jannah

Q: In Islam we can't eat pork because it is unlawful... well in jannat are we going to be allowed to eat pork because everything that has been unlawful on earth will be made lawful in jannah right? For example, woman can't dress up in nude clothing in this world but in the hereafter they will be allowed right? So pork will be allowed too in jannah right? 

Husband selling haraam items

Q: I'm a sister with 6 kids. I live in usa and my husbands earnings are haram. He has stores that have alcohol and lotto, some pork items and some drug items and food as well, and he imports illegal cigarettes. Can I report him to the authorities about his illegal sale of untaxed cigarettes so they can strip him his licence for the alcohol and lotto and cigarettes so that our store can be halal. At least he'll reflect and can't return those licence. Can I do this for the sake of our income and spirit because he would not listen to me. He loves the flowing of the money and doesn't care where it's coming from.

Buying pizza from a shop that serves pork

Q: I live in a non islamic country where I have a friend who has a pizza shop. In that shop they make pizza with pork as well as other meat (chicken and lamb). Some people said its not allowed for us Muslims to buy or eat from that shop but my friend who has that shop says that we can eat pizza from that shop because they prepare and cook pork pizza separately. They said we have separate dishes and all the staff which are needed for the pork pizza. Bisically same shop but separate tools. Now my question is, Islamicly can we eat or buy pizza from that shop? Does it come under halaal or haraam pizza? Sometimes when we go to their home they order pizza from their shop for us, are we allowed to eat that pizza? If not then how can we avoid eating that pizza without hurting their feelings? Please help.