
Cleaning impurity


1) Whilst seated on a high pan toilet and one relieves oneself, does the water, which is often polluted and napaak, that remains and comes from inside of the high pan toilet or commode, happens to splash upon any part of one's body, does Ghusl or wudhu become necessary so that Salaah be performed?

2) When having a Fardh Ghusl, does soap have to be used as a means of removing the dirt and impurity or najaasat which is on one's body, such as after a wet dream, or does merely passing water suffice for the Fardh Ghusl to be done to render one paak and clean to perform Salaah?

B) If merely passing water over the affected or dirty parts of the body is sufficient, is there a specific number of times that water needs to be passed over the dirty parts to render one paak and for the Fardh Ghusl to be completed so that one could perform Salaah?

3) Clothes that have become napaak as a result of wet dream or any najaasat or droppings of urine falling on them, do they become clean as a result of washing them in a washing machine only and thereafter worn and perform Salaah?

4) Is there a specific number of times to wash when making Istinjaa?

5) Does blood which comes onto the topee (headgear) while in Salaah, render the Salaah null and void?

B) if yes, does wudhu and Salaah be repeated or only Salaah?

6) If dried blood is on the topee (headgear) does Salaah read with it be valid?

B) If it was washed and still the marks of blood are visible, will one's Salaah be accepted if one reads Salaah with it? 

Cleaning impurity


1. Is detergent considered to remove impurities, or only water?

2. How can you go about cleaning an impure toilet seat? Because if you pour water over it, it will undoubtedly go on the floor making the floor impure too.

3. To clean impurity on a hard floor, do you simply pour water over it and wipe clean or must you pour and wipe with a cloth 3 times, squeezing each time?

Doubts regarding drops in the toilet

Q: I read here that wudu must be done in a way that water flows on the parts of the body we wash. I make my wudu in the toilet that is used by non-Muslims that have incontinence and use pieces of clothing to secure their underwear from urine. They use these clothes in a mutual sink. Before wudu I wash toilet sit, try to wash floor every time I see strange drops there, but I don’t wash think, I hope when they wash those clothes, the contamination of urine that occurs is then being washed away with water. However I still doubt that sink, but cant spend so much time every time to wash it too, what I do is, I use a dipper for my wudu. I put a hand inside and then lift it up with some water in my arms, let that water flor on my hand till elbow, this doesn’t happen till the elbow as water isn’t enough and I just help with another hand, I take some water and kind of wipe my hands with it. I try not to splash too much water on a sink to avoid drops on my clothes. Is it ok in shaa Allah?

Washing one's hand after cleaning the toilet

Q: I have a western style toilet and one day after urinating and defecating in it, I flushed it. However, because there was a lot of tissue in the bowl, the toilet became blocked and the bowl filled up with water after flushing. I put my arm in this water to try and unblock it. As far as I can remember, the water looked clean. One or two tissues with feces stuck on them remained in the water, however. But as I mentioned, I don't think the toilet water had its characteristics changed. Did my arm become najis when it was immersed in this water? Because I'm unsure that the characteristics of the water were changed after flushing, do I have to assume it was najis as the water was definitely filthy prior to flushing? Please put my heart at ease as I'm worried najasah has been spread.

Reciting the duas when making wudhu in a joint toilet and bathroom


1) A person has a bathroom with toilet shower etc in one room. If he makes wudhu in the shower cubicle, with the transparent glass between him and the toilet, will it be permissible to read the duas and take Allah's name?

2) In the masjid toilets, there is a passage with many doors for individual toilets. Is the passage considered to be part of the toilets?

3) If the passage through next to the toilets leads to classrooms, which are also accessible from the masjid, and a person needs to carry kitaabs through to the classroom, should he use this passage or go through the masjid?