wrong thoughts

Bad thoughts of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I have a serious problem of blasphemous abusive words that comes frequently for Allah. Now I am just ignoring it but before I didnt know how to deal with them. A few years back, I used to correct those thoughts and repeat within my mind, by saying that Allah is great. And then I used to say blasphemy words to shaitan that you are this..... (bad and vulgar words). Sometime ago I was talking to my relative, and all of a sudden when I was correcting her I spoke those bad words for Allah. Since then I am very upset and have feeling remorse. Sometimes this thought comes that I am actually thinking these words on purpose.

Appearance of Ulama on TV

Q: I am getting a lot of bad thoughts about ulama scholars please help me. Would I be sinful? I get bad thoughts about the ulama scholars and they big ulama scholars and I read so much about the photography maslas ulama have different opinions and I read soo much fatwa so I'm getting worried. Some say different things and when I read hadith about picture making I get bad thoughts n images about scholars. Soo i am scared ..what to do will i be sinful.. I try my best to also avoid taking picture n try to become better muslimah. Please help me please would i be sinful for getting bad thought or thinking bad about the scholars.