
Doubting one's imaan

Q: Ever since I was young I wasn't that close to Allah but I started sining and decided that I will repent to Allah and inshallah he will forgive me I started praying doing good deeds after exactly a month from doing tawbuh I started getting doubts it ruined my entire life until I went online and found that the companions of our prophet Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam had doubts and the prophet told them that this is pure iman so I wanted to make sure if I'm on the correct path or not or Allah will punish me for doubts and what can I do to let them go.

Marital problems

Q: After 1 day of our marriage, my husband has told everyone that he doesn't liked me as it was an arranged marriage. However he saw me after engagement and was satisfied but now after marriage he says he will not live with me.he does not come home and sleeps in another room,dont even look at me and not reply my salam.I haven't told my family about me.My inlaws behave good with me and they all like me.what should i do?

Stray thoughts

Q: I am suffering from waswas from long time. In islam it's everything about intention . I have read that if a person ready to commit a sin he will be punished even though he didn't do it . So my problem is whatever I do I feel like am commuting shirk am giving more important and am coloring with Allah . I managed to control this problem until few month back but recently I did something very stupid so now am very scared whether I did commit shirk.. whatever I do I feel like am comparing one of my friend to Allah am thinking them as equal to Allah .. I ignore those thought until yesterday and suddenly a thought came am ignoring these thoughts because I don't care whether it's shirk or not. Then suddenly a thought came asking doubt like whether thinking like this shirk or not is shirk .. if I asked question that mean am actually thinking that am thinking that person equal to Allah . Suddenly a thought came asking doubts is shirk .it is like am comparing or thinking that person equal to Allah . But that time I was ready to ask doubt even it is shirk with the thought of asking forgiveness from Allah. Because I had to stop talking to that person if I didn't ask . Then I got to know that not shirk but I was ready to commit shirk in that time for that person . Now am scared that does that mean I commit shirk ?? I stopped talking to that person now . But am scared did I commit shirk ? By being ready to commit shirk ? . Now I stopped talking to that person but in future I hope it won't happen but suppose if there situation comes to talk to that person does that consider shirk . If I talk to that person in any situation does that consider shirk ? Did I commit shirk do I have to say kalima again. What will happen. To my pass deeds plz help me to understand sorry for my bad English .. DID I COMMIT SHIRK ? Is there is any shirk that I have to avoid ?

Marital problems

Q: I am a lecturer professionally in a reputable university and married since 1.5 years. This is my husband's second marriage. My father passed away few years back so my mother got me married bcoz at that time these people committed to make me happy at any cost and my husband personally talked to my family and took em in confidence. So after marriage I served my in laws a lot even like a servant after coming from job. Just coz my husband got happy with it and after marriage job of my husband finished so I helped him financially too. But after some time he started to abuse me and degrade me even to beat me coz of his parents they were just doing the same as they did with first lady that I heard from their family. But at the same time when I try to go back to my home my husband start to cry that he'll die if I leave him. When I agree to not to leave he again start the same from very next day. With so after 1 year of this I talked to his phuphoo who is a good lady by nature and she suggested me to have sitting with all family members of both and separate your kitchen. They agreed upon it coz if they don't do so they can be separated from their family coz they tried to save his home first time also but this time if he would not agree all family members of them decided to cut off. So now I cook separately but from that day my husband don't eat from what I cook he eat from their parents home. He pretend to be full when I serve him food. He quarrel with e on every minor issue . he force me to go to mom house for long so he could spend more time with his family. I took stretagy that I don't go any where . I remain at home get ready before he come . cook meal before he come . spend my own money to run home. Bt he don't feel comfortable to stay with me. Even in his medical report he is not capable of being father there are only 5% chances. BT I don't blame him for this and want to stay with him . coz oifsprinfs are with Allah's will. I don't want to get divorce coz I know what this society treat with a separated woman. Iam doing PhD as well and successful otherwise professionally . some times I thought he is in complex bt some time it seems that he is and his family is criminal that they ruin our lives . even I spend eid days without him holidays weekends without him . ciz he want to stay with his family. and when I complained he stared to cry that I don't leave him . give him freedom to go to his family and ask me for God' s sake to stay here may be if he leave me his family ll also not pay attention to him so he realise it bt don't think upon it . I have sympathies with him . I don't want to leave him . he is a good person otherwise don't smoke or any bad habit just possessed by his family's pressure even he is big one at home . BT afraid of his small sisters . you please tell what should I do . I remain alone all the day and some times at night. Don't have babies . don't get love from him. What Islam says should I be patient ? And for how much time? Or what are the other ways?

Parents preventing their son from waking up for tahajjud

Q: I am 19 years old (male), staying in hostel for my studies. I am planning to wake up at 3:00am for reading tahajjud and not to sleep until completing my isha prayer execpt <60 sec nap after my lunch. My parents said you are young boy waking up alone in hostel room at that time my cause some problems, so don't wake up at that time, I think they are fearing of supernatural powers (jinns) etc... So plz give me suitable advice