Stray thoughts

Q: I am suffering from waswas from long time. In islam it's everything about intention . I have read that if a person ready to commit a sin he will be punished even though he didn't do it . So my problem is whatever I do I feel like am commuting shirk am giving more important and am coloring with Allah . I managed to control this problem until few month back but recently I did something very stupid so now am very scared whether I did commit shirk.. whatever I do I feel like am comparing one of my friend to Allah am thinking them as equal to Allah .. I ignore those thought until yesterday and suddenly a thought came am ignoring these thoughts because I don't care whether it's shirk or not. Then suddenly a thought came asking doubt like whether thinking like this shirk or not is shirk .. if I asked question that mean am actually thinking that am thinking that person equal to Allah . Suddenly a thought came asking doubts is shirk .it is like am comparing or thinking that person equal to Allah . But that time I was ready to ask doubt even it is shirk with the thought of asking forgiveness from Allah. Because I had to stop talking to that person if I didn't ask . Then I got to know that not shirk but I was ready to commit shirk in that time for that person . Now am scared that does that mean I commit shirk ?? I stopped talking to that person now . But am scared did I commit shirk ? By being ready to commit shirk ? . Now I stopped talking to that person but in future I hope it won't happen but suppose if there situation comes to talk to that person does that consider shirk . If I talk to that person in any situation does that consider shirk ? Did I commit shirk do I have to say kalima again. What will happen. To my pass deeds plz help me to understand sorry for my bad English .. DID I COMMIT SHIRK ? Is there is any shirk that I have to avoid ?

A: Don't pay attention to these stray thoughts.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
