
Woman visiting one's father privately

Q: I see a woman visiting my father everyday behind everyones back. Im not sure if he married this lady without my mother knowing. And I dont know if she will want to stay with him after this. Do I confront my father or tell my mother? If they dont stay together after I tell them this then is it my fault that they get divorced or must I just overlook all of this.

Going to people who deal with jinn

Q: I am asking this question as I genuinely don't know the answer.

Is it permissible to take advice from or to give time to a person who you speak to and where they would start reciting something quietly and start telling you things about yourself such as they would ask you if you are often bloated and if you have seen any blue marks on your body and if you are upset with your husband due to a certain reason (and may I just add that they are correct with a lot of the things they mention) and the thing is that no one actually gave them this information about yourself besides your name or sometimes your mother's name. They also would say to someone that they have a jinn in them and the jinn from that person would take possession of another person who is assisting this person who is helping you and you can interact with the jinn in this way.

Is it permissible in Islam to go to such people for help? How do they gather such information about you without even meeting you or merely speaking to you telephonically. I would assume they are getting the information from a jinn?

Please assist as I don't want to commit any bidat and so that if this is not in accordance with Islam, I can advise my loved ones against it.


Q: I am 32 year old Muslim man getting married in a couple of months. My problem is that I get sexually attracted towards boys and since childhood to till date I have multiple sexual rekationships with boys. My problem is that I don't get attracted towards females and this issue is there with me when I was almost 7-8 years old. I met Dr's also in this connection but after doing some test they said bilogically your male sex hormones are normal only it is mental preferance. I dont want to destroy anyones life. Requesting you to please help me in this, so that I can control my emotions and live a respectable life and also save from myself from gunnah.

Wife desirous of moving near her sister due to loneliness

Q: We live in one area.. I have grown up and stayed all my life there.. My parents are nearby.. My friends.. Masjid where I offer my salats.. My wife says she is all alone the whole day and got no company.. It's not that she isn't provided with a shelter or security.. Now she wants to move to a place in an area where her sister's resides... She is pressurising the husband to let go of the current residence and move to the area where her sister's stay... Not that where we are currently staying is a bad place or the husband is denying her shelter.. And she is doing all this under the pretext that it's her right as a wife and I should comply... Is this jayaz permissible or has the husband got a right to give in to her demands..