
Irregular bleeding after undergoing an operation

Q: I m 39 years old. 16 years back I had an ectopic operation due to which one of my ovaries was removed which is responsible for producing estrogen hormones. Since that day my menstrual cycle has become irregular. My past normal days were 7. Now bleeding is for 2 days in the start then completely stops. No stains til; 8 days, then on 9, 10 and 11th day I again get some brownish discharge. Should I consider this as haidh or istihaaza?

Ghusal after an operation

Q: Wanted to ask, recently had keyhole surgery and was in haidh but now need to take a bath to become clean. Because of stitches been told not to get that part of the knee wet. Would running across wet palms across that area suffice for ghusal?