impermissible transaction

Can the one appointed to purchase make a profit?

Q: I need Shar'ee guidance regarding a certain trading transaction:

My relative asked me to buy a washing machine for him. The washing machine cost Rs.3000 for example.

1. Can I inform my relative that the machine cost Rs.5,000? He does not know that I will charge him extra. 

2. Can I first inform my relative that I started selling washing machines and then charge him Rs.5,000?

Subjecting one transaction upon another

Q: My friend is planning to buy a petrol station. However, he requires R3 million and he only has R2 million with him. He asked me to help him by giving him R1 million so that the petrol station can be registered under his ownership. Thereafter, we will follow the conditions below:

Condition 1: He will give me full access to run the business for 3 years and all expenses and profits will accrue to me. He will have no share or involvement in the business for 3 years.

Condition 2: I have to give him a monthly rent (as per the current market in that location) for running the business on his property.

Condition 3: After 3 years, he will return the R1 million which I had given to him at the beginning. He says that this money will be considered as a security deposit and any damage or loss occurred during these 3 years will be deducted from it. Is this deal halaal or haraam?

Selling an item before taking possession of it

Q: Salmaan owns a grocery store. Ismail phoned him and purchased a pack of long life milk from him. After concluding the sale on the phone, Ismail did not take possession of the milk but instead sold the milk to Bakr and asked Salmaan to deliver the milk directly to Bakr instead of bringing it to his store. Is it correct for Ismail to sell the milk to Bakr before taking possession of it?