hair dye

Hair dye


1. Can we use hair colour dye and can we offer namaz.

2. What does shariyat say about colour dye and which colours can we use?

Hair dye

Q: Is it permissible to use hair dyes available in market in various shades? What are the instructions in Sharia regarding dying of hair? Please provide full details.

Hair dye

Q: I wanted to color my hair to brown, is it permissible to do so? I read on that it is permissible, but is it really the case?

Dying the hair black

Q: I am a twenty years old. Since January I have a disease. Now I am recovering. My question is that this disease has caused my hair to turn white before age. I know that it is haraam to pluck white hair and also that one falls in Allah's eyes by doing such deeds. But I have also heard that young muslims can even dye their hair black if they wish. I want to ask that is it permissible to pluck such white hair that are growing before age and are a result of a temporary disease?