credit card

Working out the price of the car after ascertaining how the client wishes to pay

Q: I am a car dealer. I am not involved in finance. However, I accept different forms of payment, such as cash, EFT and via a card machine. Is it permissible for me to decide the price of a vehicle depending on the customer’s form of payment? The bank charges me 3,25% (for a credit card) and 1,75% (for a debit card) of the total amount if the card machine is used. Can I add this percentage onto the original price of the vehicle? If so, does it have to be the exact amount the bank charges me or can I round off or add to the amount as I desire?

Bank related questions


1. I have a question regarding banking. If the bank gives you $200 credit in your account for opening a new account and then charges $35.00 for bank fees every month. Is it permissible to use that $200 to pay their fees? If not, what is the correct approach to take? Should a person try to refuse taking that money or take it and give it to Sadaqah without intention of sawab? 

2. If the bank offers you a free service such as a safety deposit box for having a certain type of account is it permissible to take advantage of that? 

3. Also, is it permissible to use points earned on credit card spending to pay fines, speeding tickets, taxes etc?

4. If a person forgets to make a payment and the credit card company charges a late fee or interest. Is it permissible to use the point to pay for such fees?

Looking after one's mother

Q: I have a question relating to a child's obligation toward parents. I want to ask question relating to family vacation or social activity. If a wife and husband work jointly to pay for a family vacation and the mum wants to go on holiday as well, I have a question:

1) Can a credit card or credit facility be used to fund the mum's holiday?

2) Can the mum travel without a mahram if she is over 60?

What is the obligation of the son in this regard? Can he politely decline the payment of the holiday due to inadequate funds and also disallow the holiday as no mahram is present? Will the son be punished in the eyes of Allah for doing this? Also what happens when the money one's son gives to a mum on debt and that is being used to buy lavish gifts for the other son and his family? What happens in essence if a mum thinks a child has the financial means and expects all expenses and holidays to be paid for when a child in essence is living on finance?

Encouraging customers to apply for a credit card

Q: I work in a department store, and as part of the job we are obliged to encourage customers to get a store card, which is a credit card, and if they do, to open accounts for them. I too have to sign their contracts which states they must pay interest if they miss or fail to make their payment on time. What is the ruling on credit cards, and is this work permissible?