
Masturbating while fasting

Q: I am a Muslim boy of 15 years old. Last year in Ramadan while fasting I masturbated but stopped the ejaculation but it leaked. Secondly same Ramadan I did the same except semen did not come out. Please help me and tell me what is the ruling on both of these cases. Please note that I am 15 and do not have that much liability. 

Breaking the fast through masturbation

Q: I read that one has to pay kaffarah if one has intercourse during the fast. Therefore, no kaffarah if one commits the sin of masturbation. The person was unsure of the proper repentance so made the intention to pay kaffarah and fast 2 months. Sadaqah was paid to feed 10 people 2 meals for 2 months totaling $700. Having now learned that it is no longer necessary, does he still have to fast the 2 months based on his intention or would it be wrong as it is not prescribed as the expiation for his actions?

Committing zina

Q: I have committed a shameful sin and I want you to help me to get over with it. I made a promise to Allah Ta'ala that I won’t masturbate for the following days but instead I had sex (Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah). I could not control myself and I did this shameful act of sin. Now I am feeling guilty and I request you to enlighten me regarding my promise (is it broken or not as I promised not to masturbate but instead had sex) and if my promise is broken what kaffara do I have to make?

Giving up masturbation

Q: I am a 26 years old Male. I have a very bad habit of Masturbation. At night when I got to sleep, bad thoughts come into my mind, and then I start to think about girls. It induces me to masturbate and as a result semen is ejaculated. I want to stop this bad habit. Please help me out. I am very much tensed. I also make tawba to Allah Ta'ala but then again this thing happens. Don't know what to do. Please guide me. Is this due to this bad habit my Duas sometimes are not answered?


Q: I want to know the ruling on masturbation. Im 28 and my family does not understand that I have tried to control my sex desire bt now its out of control. I have done fasting, done all zikr, bt now I am in very much pain. Please tell me can I masturbate under such circumstances?