

Q: Whilst I was doing some work, I got aroused. I tried to ignore it but I was feeling overpowered. I held my private parts and squeezed my legs trying to kill the feelings but it made it worse. I was sitting and trying to ignore it but I ejaculated unintentionally. Am I sinful for this action?


Q: I have a question. If I had masturbated in my sleep and then it actually was happening in reality due to the sleep. I am in control of it, because I didn't intentionally want to do it? I always fear masturbation and always trying to avoid such an act.

Is sweat napaak?

Q: I read somewhere that if one had masturbated, their sweat is napaak. If someone touched their phone and their hand started to sweat, is it napaak if they had masturbated? What would be the correct way to make it paak?

Calculating missed Salaahs and Fasts

Q: I am 18 years old. Due to my ignorance I am unsure of when I became baaligh. And, therefore I am unsure of how to calculate my missed Salaah and missed fasts. I used to masturbate from a young age, and hence did not have a wet dream after I was the age of 15. I have now given up this act and have seeked for forgiveness in Allah. I feel more confident that I became baaligh due to masturbation, during or past the age of 13. I have come to this conclusion by reflecting on my personal memories, and researched into my internet history by finding the videos/websites I ashamed of viewing to give a better approximation to the time of year I would have became baaligh, which indicates towards me being 13. Therefore, I have more reason to believe that I would have become baaligh during or past the age of 13, but I am unsure if I am being lenient / biased to myself. My only reservation is that I have a vague memory of what I think is think is the discharge of 'mazi' (through masturbation), I am unsure if it was mazi as it was a thin fluid which was discharged in small drops, which did not compare to what I can more vividly remember of mani past the age of 13. Also, because I cannot recall this memory in it's entirety I do not know whether this was between the age of 12-13. And, therefore do not know if should calculate my missed Salaah and fasts from age 12 or not. Do I ignore this doubt and continue to calculate my missed Salaah and fasts from the age of 13? Also, as I am a student, I do not have a lot of money that I can give to charity, and thus I am also wondering what righteous deeds I can perform along side my repentance? Due to me committing these major sins.

Wife masturbating the husband

Q: Is it permissible to masterbate if one's spouse is unable to fulfil the others needs. My wife and I have been married for 10 years now, and in the beginning we would fill each others desire till we were exhausted. Now she won't even try for weeks to satisfy me. We have no children yet, but my sex drive is still very high.