
Performing Salaatul ihraam in the airport and making the intention of ihraam before approaching the Meeqaat


1. Can a person make his salatul ihraam e.g. at JHB Airport and only make his niyyat before approaching the miqaat when flying on Saudia Airways for umrah?

2. Similarly, can a person make his salaatul ihraam at Dubai Airport and only make his niyyat as approaching the miqaat when flying Emirates?

3. When landing in Dubai, it is already fajr time, we made salaatul ihraam and thereafter read fajr salaat because we had to leave for Jeddah. Is it Ok to read salaatul ihraam in fajr time, before we read fajr. If not, how should it be done?

Kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad

Q: I have a few questions regarding Tawaaf:

1. When making استلام بالاشارة must one raise the hands upto the ears (as in Salaah) or in line with the shoulders? Also, does one stretch out the arms (as if touching the Hajar e Aswad) or must one keep the hands in line with the body?

2. Thereafter, when kissing the hands must one kiss the fingers or the palms?

3. When making استلام بالاشارة in which direction must the body face? In this regard is there a difference between the first Istilaam & the subsequent ones?

3. When making استلام بالاشارة during the course of Tawaaf does one stop at the Hajar e Aswad, make Istilaam & thereafter continue walking, or must one make Istilaam while walking?

Taking a loan to send one's father for Umrah

Q: My father had made arrangements for umrah. The process went as far as getting to the airport. By the will of Allah, his passport and documents were mislaid at the airport. All efforts were made to find them but because of time constraints, the rest of the group had to continue with the blessed journey and my father could not go.

1. In terms of sawaab, will my father receive the full sawaab?

2. My siblings and relatives had initially all contributed towards the cost of the trip. Due to love and emotion, I wish to send him in a few months time. Is it permissible for me to take a loan to pay for his trip and then I will settle the loan as my own? Should I make it known to him if the loan option is allowed?