irregular bleeding

Irregular bleeding after childbirth

Q: I got a baby 6 months ago. Before that I used to get my periods for 6 days. After nifaas I started getting my periods differently, I'm getting it for 8 days and then for 2 days nothing, on the 10th day around zuhr-asr time, I get a very slight pinkish colour on my discharge, and after that there's nothing. Must I count 6 days like how I used to get before I got a baby or count 8 days and make qadha later of the 2 days or count 10 days and make qadha of the namaaz that's left out. Must I count the pinkish colour? I'm very confused. What must I do?


Irregular bleeding

Q: How should a woman determine when to start praying after her menses? For example, if she has discharge for 3 days only so should she start praying after 3 days or she has to wait up to 6 or 7 days. What should she do if she thinks she has finished her menses and starts praying and then later she sees more blood or a brown discharge?

Irregular bleeding

Q: İ have a problem with my period days. Sometimes it lasts for 9 or 11 and sometimes to 14 but just after the 9th day I have brown discharge. This discharge can be in the morning and stops for the rest of the day. Then it can come back late at night or the next day so I wait till all these discharges finish and to be sure that I am clean then I make ghusl.

1. Am I guilty for not making ghusal and praying in the time where the discharge stops before coming back again? Plus I heard a sheikh said it is OK to wait for one day to make sure that you are clean and then do ghusl.

2. Is it really permissible to wait as he said?

Irregular bleeding

Q: A girl got her haidh this morning (Monday 8/8/16 @ abt 11-11.30 am), but her 15 days of cleanliness finished tonight at abt 10-10.30 pm. One mufti's fatwa was that she has to consider the clean-day period between the cycle of last month and the month before (which was 17 days) and only consider herself in the state of haidh once that amount of days are up, even though she's bleeding properly and even after the 15-clean-day-period is up. Another mufti said that once the 15 days are up, she's on her haidh but she has to continue reading salaah until she bleeds for 3 days and more, then she's on her haidh properly and her salaah of those days falls off. Two of her female muallimahs have mentioned that if you bleed after your 15 days you are considered as having haidh and salaah becomes haraam and sinful for you. Please inform me of the fatwa from your perspective. I am not fatwa shopping. I just need clarity on this topic as I myself get confused, which is why I look to you, respected mufti, for clarification. Second question is that she knows she became paak before 10 pm (on Sunday 24/7/16) but hadn't had the chance to make ghusl until that time so after her ghusl she read esha and made qadha of salaah. She's assuming she became paak before esha on Sunday (24/7/17) because the brown/bloody discharge stopped during the course of the day and she found out from 1 of the mentioned muallimahs that haidh had stopped, so she made qadha of those salaah. I know haidh ends soon as bleeding stops, even if one doesn't make ghusl straight away. Now, today she hadn't read esha until 9.45/50 pm & when she went to make wudhu she found blood again even though she hadn't spotted at maghrib time (but she made a fresh wudhu for all salaah) but spotted before and at zohr and asr time. Keeping all of this in mind, will esha qadha of tonight still be binding on her?

Irregular bleeding

Q: Please advise on haiz dates below

MAY 2016

- normal as previous months

- 8 days Haiz

- around 21 clean days

JUNE 2016

- Haiz 7 - 17th = 10 days

- thereafter on 12th clean day starting bleeding.

  Took 12th -15th as Istihaaza /clean days

JULY 2016

- after the 15 days - took 2nd - 10th as Haiz = 8 days.

- therafter 15 clean days

Current after exactly 15 clean days

Day 1 - 1 brown discharge only (asr 26 July)

Day 2 - 1 brown discharge only  (27 July)

Day 4 - very small brown noticed. (30 July)

Thereafter 7 clean days

Today 6th Aug - starting brown bleeding again. (This is the 11th day after the 15 clean days )

Please advise which days to take as Haiz and which are istihaaza.

Irregular bleeding

Q: I wanted to ask if a girl sees spotting (only twice) for 1 to 2 days (on days when periods are supposed to happen but miss the start date) and yellow discharge which is not followed by bleeding or brown or yellow discharge anymore, in fact feels like a little whitish transparent but no more brown or yellow and there is no spotting and the tissue comes out clean every time too. And she on the night of the 2nd day takes pills for them to come. These pills basically make sure that periods will start, the days for them to start is 3 to 6 days after the pills. What should the girl do in terms of ghusal and namaaz? This happens every 3 to 4 months at times every 6 months. I've read that the minimum period days are 3 days and 3 nights. Since I didn't get them for this duration what am I supposed to do now? Should I take ghusal and start praying because periods will only start after the third day of pills. The days can go upto 6 and at times 15 too. I'm not even sure if I saw blood on the first day but I definitely saw a spot of red on the 2nd day (don't remember whether it was the night of the 1st day or morning of the 2nd day). I need help in this matter. Kindly give a detailed answer.

Irregular bleeding

Q: A woman started her haiz on the 19/07 at 1:20pm and had a ghusl on the 26/07 at 4:00pm (Normal habit is about 7 days). After that she experienced normal clear discharge on the days that followed. (She normally has a continuous clear discharge out of haiz). However, she noticed a small streak of blood in the clear discharge on the 28/07 at 1:30pm and again on the 29/07 at 5:20 am and at 10:40 pm. Kindly explain which days are counted as haiz and which are not.

Irregular bleeding

Q: If a woman bleeds for 4 days (habit is 7 days) and then experiences bleeding again before the completion of 15 days (but after 10 days has passed),

1. Can this now be regarded as Istihadha?

2. Is there any Qadha salaahs at all that she has to perform?

3. Does she need to now perform Ghusl before reading her salaah as she may not have had a bath after the 10th day?