irregular bleeding

Irregular bleeding after child birth

Q: I am having problems regarding menstruation since childbirth.

1. After delivering my first baby I bled for a few days but saw blood tinged or yellow discharges for up to 48 days. (Started praying after 40 days) 48 days after delivery I experienced a proper menstrual bleeding for 7 days ( all symptoms like cramping, flow, color etc. resembled haidh that I experienced before pregnancy) therefore did not pray in these 7 days. Since tuhr has to be at least 15 days, will this bleeding be considered Istihaaza? Will I have to make up for missed Salaahs?

2. Due to nursing, my period hasn't returned after the above mentioned 7 day bleeding. Instead I see a very slight tinge of blood in my regular, otherwise clear discharge. This means, not a single drop of blood stains my clothing. This happened once after 26 days and did not reoccur so I took it as istihaza. After 17 more days I see such traces after every 2 days or so. I am not missing any prayers because this is nothing like my usual period. But I want to ask: do I have to avoid relations with my husband? If yes, for how many days?


Q: Beheshti zewar does not mention regarding the case where a lady in nifaas experiences a situation as follows: (similar to haiz masla) -

A lady has a habit of 30 days nifaas (last childbirth)

- After eg 20 days the bleeding stops. She has a bath and begins performing salaah.

1) Is this correct?

- after 36 days she starts bleeding again. She stops her salaah again.

2. would this be haiz or nifaas bleeding?

- thereafter the bleeding stops only on the 42nd day.

In the situation where this is nifaas bleeding, but has now gone over 40 days, so this now would be Istihadha and she would look at her habit of 30 days, but she had stopped reading salah when she bled again on the 36th, thinking it might still be nifaas.

2) Is it correct to say that she will only have to make Qadha from the 36th to the 40th?

Irregular bleeding

Q: Three months before I had a injection to not have pregnancy, but after that my periods stop for few weeks I had bleeding that was not periods one but I had been praying with putting clean pad in every namaz now I want to ask you that my action was acceptable which I have been praying and secondly after that bleeding stopped. Just few days little bit bleeding for some time a day and some time couple of days then it stops. So please guide me fully that shall I pray in these days or shall I wait for three days like haidh?

Irregular bleeding


1. I have very irregular menses where this entire year went and I did not get my menses. Recently I started herbal medicine which has helped but sometimes the clean period of 15 days between 2 menstrual cycles don't pass and I am experiencing the next cycle. Mufti how should I count the 15 day clean period?

2. I am developing a cycle that lasts for 10 days and sometimes more. How will I calculate when the ghusal should be made? Currently I see if I started menses after zohr then on the 11th day after zohr I take a ghusal. Is this correct?

Irregular bleeding

Q: My normal period cycle was around 28 days cycle or more. But few months ago I got a irregular period which caused problems for me. Now as from the past two months, I get a discharge on around 25th or 26th day as orange drop once maybe, then nothing till my 28th day, then my normal period resumes. So where do I start counting from the 25th or 28th?