
Sending one's parents for Hajj

Q: An elderly man and woman have been accredited to go for Hajj. However, due to limited financial means, they are unable to go. Their young son has already performed Hajj and has been accredited for the second time to go for Hajj. Is it the son's responsibility to first send his parents for Hajj?

Going for hajj while paying off a mortgage

Q: I would like to go for hajj and we have enough money for my husband and I to go but we have a house mortgage that we took 7 years ago ( I understand it is not allowed to take interest based mortgage but I was then advised by a local Mufti Saheb in England that as there are no other options and I had been paying rent for so many years it would be permissible as not for business purpose and purpose is to live in the house). I do not have enough money to pay it off but have enough for hajj. It will take me at least another 5 years to pay the mortgage off. Do we need to postpone hajj and pay off the mortgage first or can we go for hajj first?