sexual relations

Wife masturbating the husband

Q: Is it permissible to masterbate if one's spouse is unable to fulfil the others needs. My wife and I have been married for 10 years now, and in the beginning we would fill each others desire till we were exhausted. Now she won't even try for weeks to satisfy me. We have no children yet, but my sex drive is still very high.

Marital problems

Q: Recently my family did my marriage and my husband is too much taller and fat compare to me. When I'm having sex with him I'm suffering from too much pain. I can't explain you. So just I want to known is it compulsory to have sex with him every day or for few month I can have sex with him once in a week. Even before marriage no one ask me about this boy just they did my marriage with this man. So please can you tell me is it compulsory to have sex with him every day or I can have sex with him once in a week?