sexual relations


Q: For a newly married couple, how many times is advisable to have intercourse? We were married for seven weeks. My wife was in haidh for two weeks (the week of the marriage and after returning from umrah). Then she went for umrah for 3 weeks and we had some issues for the other 2 weeks. Thereafter we had relations 6 times in the next 3 days (morning and evening). My wife is extremely worried weather this is normal? Previously Mufti Saheb had advised on a published Fatwa twice a week but if a married couple were to have relations every day or twice in 3 days would this be a problem or is it natural?

Spouses excreting on each other during sexual relations

Q: Is it permissible for the husband and wife to scat on each other? Scat is where the spouses excrete on each other during sexual intercourse for attaining pleasure and sometimes the excreta is used as lubricant. My relative has said that he heard his sheikh saying it is permissible as long as it is done with the spouse and not with strange women. Please elaborate as I am confused.