
Interacting with women in the work place

Q: I work in a call centre and my role involves taking calls and speaking to customers. Some of them are women. Unfortunately, living in the UK it's hardly avoidable not to find employment that doesn't involve having some interaction with the opposite gender with the exception of some sort of manual labour work which, is tiresome, and pays very low for long hours. That's not ideal with everything so expensive here now. Alhamdulillah, I try my utmost best to minimise as much interaction as possible. There is never any physical contact just eye contact, and verbal communication. I never do the following:

- Have dinner with them during lunch hours

- Play pool with them during lunch hours like other brothers

- Engage in causal chit-chat, but strictly work related when necessary, only gentle response to a good morning or when they greet me with a pretentious smile

- I never offer them or accept a drive home or to work

- I never get in the elevator if there is more than one female

I always say astagfirullah as much as possible for any shortcoming and just for interacting even when I needed to. With this in mind, am I still sinning working where I am? Allah says in the Qur’an to fear him as much as we can, and I do my utmost best, but it is also frudh for a man to make a living for his family.

Not attending the Jumuah Salaah on account of one's employment

Q: My daughter and her family have gone to Australia one year ago. Since then my son in-law is struggling for a job but till last month he did not get regular jobs but he was doing odd jobs. Last month he got a regular job in a good company. Now the problem is that the management did not give him permission to offer Friday prayer in the Musjid, but other prayers he performed in the company's premises. Now he wants to quit the job for this particular reason. Is this decision ok or he can pray zuhr prayer in place of Friday prayer and continue the job. Please me remember that in Australia getting jobs in very difficult particularly for Muslims.

Assigning one's affairs to Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am working in Dubai, in a private company as an accountant. The company pays me less compared to my work and responsibility. As an accountant I should get much more as per UAE market. The owner of the company pays more in back hand to those staff who belong to his relatives or his group. I was watching all this things and finally I have decided to leave the company and start looking for a job. Al-hamdulillah finally I got a job. Now time to resign from this company and join the new company, I gave resignation letter and mentioned the reason being my family problems because I knew if I have said the original reason, they will never allow me to go. After my resign letter the owner of the company called me and miss behaved with me and then the owner with his son's assistance attacked me, he slap me, kick me in front of the office staff. Even they abused me, they used very bad words against my father. After the incident they threatened me that if I complain to police they would take action against my family in India (me and my owner  belong to the same area). I know they are very powerful and I can't do anything against them,they have very good relations in higher class people in UAE and I belong to middle class family. After the matter, I feel very sad. I am trying to forget but I can't. I can't sleep at night. I can't show my face to other staff. I feel very hurt. I hope you understand my situation. After that I have decided I can't get the respect which I have lost at that day. I can't get justice in this world. So I have decided to complain to Al Mighty Allah. Can you please explain to me what will the justice be for me according to Quran and Hadith so I can expect this justice from Almighty Allah in this world and Aakhirat also. Please explain.

Leaving the country one is working in for Deeni reasons

Q: I am from Pakistan and I am working in Dubai since 18 months. I find it always very difficult and disappointing to stay away from parents and brothers and sister. In my country I can get a job but it pays less than the job in Dubai. I have decided to leave and go back and work there on less salary than here and live with parents and brothers and I am also getting married soon in my country so I prefer to stay with all family and work on less salary there instead of staying here in Dubai away from them. My question is that according to Islamic teachings, am I taking the right step? Maybe this question seems little bit stupid but it holds great importance in my life as I want to follow my Deen in every aspect of my life. Please answer my question and help me to put an end to this confusion.