
Doubts regarding Sayyids

Q: As a lot of people believe that there are still Sayyids like my family, some I have encountered do not believe in Sayyids and say we are fake, is it true?Any prove that Sayyids actually exist from the Hadith or anything that says there would be Sayyids?

Assisting a woman who is married to a Sayyid with zakaat

Q: My friend is non-syed, hes husband is syed, they are poor and needy. Her son recently diagnose with brain cancer tumor. Doctors advice them to do surgury as soon as possible other wise the child will be dead in a month. The total expense is 5 lack of the operation. My friend didnt even have 5 thousand in her pocket nor hes husband have. Question is can she apply for zakat for her childs life?

Marrying a person who is one's match

Q: Kindly assist me if possible. My eldest son is 23 years old and Alhamdulillah he is a hafiz as well. He is ready for marriage and it is his wish to marry in the Sayyid family (lineage of our Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). How do I find someone as per his wish. Please make dua that Allah Ta'ala grants him a suitable spouse.