
Marital problems

Q: My wife is not responding to me even in basic aspects like respect. I am working out of town and come home every week. If she is in bed then she nevers gets up. She never asks me if I need water or anything. She is always reluctant to have sex and agrees unwillingly. I give Rs 50000 every month for the household expenses. 10 years ago we moved out of my parents home because they told me to divorce her or live seperately. Now I am tired of her attitude. Please guide because I am concerned about my 3 kids.

Does talaaq take place through separation

Q: A guy and a girl got married. They had an arguments and then girl left the house of guy and stayed at her parents home from June 10th 2016 to Jan 23rd 2017 during this period the guy never pronounce a divorce "Not even single time" The Girl stayed at parents house for more than 6 months and there's a person who said that according to Islam if you stayed away from your husband for more than 6 months without any Sharai reason then you are no longer in Nikkah with that guy. (who said not sure, on what grounds not sure) Need clarification on this as well. The Guy sent Divorce deed on 23rd January 2017 that has clearly mentioned divorce Thrice upon that girl, the guy who sent divorce deed was planning to end the marriage because of girl's parents demand. Now, the concern is. If 6 months were already passed while girl stayed away from here husband. Then she was no longer in Nikkah of that guy and so does divorce occurred? IF YES then how? IF NO then why?

Separation and faskh

Q: Me and my wife are currently separated but not divorced. We have been separated for 6 weeks now. My questionson are as follows

1. How long are we allowed to be separated before our marriage is null and void?

2. My wife wants a fasagh however I want to reconcile. The problem was that I borrowed money from a friend and never told my wife and she only found out afterwards that I borrowed money from a she allowed to be granted a fasagh on the basis of mistrust and lies?

3. If she insists for a fasagh and I dont want to because I still love her and for the sake of the children, can the Alim force her to give me a chance even though her parents don't want her to take me back?

Husband suffering from schizophrenia

Q: I am married for 18 years and have two children aged 16 and 14. My husband was a wonderful jolly loving person. He faced many business stresses and traumas like robbery and assault. The last 5 years has been a roller coaster living with him. The psychiatrist said he has bipolar schizophrenia with lots of paranoia and hallucinations. He refuses to take the antipsychotic meds ability and is making our home environment hell. If you look at him he looks like a good moulana. White kurta and mashaallah beard. He is always moody sulky and paranoid. He only makes salaam to me and thats it. Please advise how do I live with this silent treatment for years and the pain of emotional abuse. I am sad heartbroken and emotionally drained. I am staying for the sake of my children.. is there any support in Pretoria for women who are being tortured by selfish husbands like mine. His illness has robbed my of my happiness. Please help me understand why he does not want to take meds to get better.

Separating from an unfaithful wife

Q: I am married for 15 years with three children, I love my wife but she is very difficult. She has slowly changed from committed women to complete irresponsible lady, took hijab out without my consent, then she stop praying and fasting, then she start going out with liberal clothes until we have been clashing several times. She put forward a divorce petition and made few false allegations to police in order to support her divorce. I have tried to calm her down as the divorce is not justified, invited her to do haj together but she refused, then I realised after a while that she was in relationship with another atheist man for a long time over Facebook who was teaching her how to get divorced and gets maximum money compensation in order to come to UK. The divorce still not finalized and we are in dispute about the children care at this stage. She is taking advantage of the law in this country and does not want to follow shariah law, having said that our marriage was done in Islamic country before we came to UK. What should I do with somebody broken the family and does not obey Islamic rules?

Does nikaah break through separation?

Q: My parents have been together for over 20 years but have had marriage issues for a very long time. Constantly fighting and arguing. Most of the time they do not speak to each other at all and my father has left the house three times but has come back. My parents even did their nikaah a second time the last time my father came back, for fear that their nikaah had become void by their separation. Now my father has come back again, but my parents have not spoken to each other at all for nearly 2 years. They do not say salaam to each other or even look at each other, let alone speaking to each other. We have tried mending their relationship numerous times, getting the elders involved, etc, but in the end they continue to fight and argue and it never works. The only reason they are staying together is because of us. Three of us are older and understand all this, but my youngest sister is 6 and my parents don't want to divorce for the sake of their children. However my mother is extremely worried that because of the way their marriage conditions are, their nikaah is not valid and it is haraam for them to live together. So taking into consideration all that I have said, and the fact my parents have not spoke to each other or had relations for nearly 2 years, is their nikaah now invalid and is it haraam for them to live together? My father has not actually divorced my mother by saying it verbally.

Marital problems

Q: My parents have been together for over 20 years but have had marriage issues for a very long time. Constantly fighting and arguing. Most of the time they do not speak to each other at all and my father has left the house three times but has come back. My parents even did their nikaah a second time the last time my father came back, for fear that their nikaah had become void by their separation. Now my father has come back again, but my parents have not spoken to each other at all for nearly 2 years. They do not say salaam to each other or even look at each other, let alone speaking to each other. We have tried mending their relationship numerous times, getting the elders involved, etc, but in the end they continue to fight and argue and it never works. The only reason they are staying together is because of us. Three of us are older and understand all this, but my youngest sister is 6 and my parents don't want to divorce for the sake of their children. However my mother is extremely worried that because of the way their marriage conditions are, their nikaah is not valid and it is haraam for them to live together. So taking into consideration all that I have said, and the fact my parents have not spoke to each other or had relations for nearly 2 years, is their nikaah now invalid and is it haraam for them to live together? My father has not actually divorced my mother by saying it verbally.

Husband passing away while the spouses were separated

Q: Me and my husband were living separate and the divorce proceedings were in the court pending . Legally we were not divorced and he never said divorce word to me and while the divorce was pending he passed away his parents and family did not contact me about his passing away and when I said to them he was still my husband because divorce wasn't through yet they said no, in our eyes you are divorced and you have got no right to know he passed away. My question is, was their behaviour right about not letting me know about my husband and telling everyone that they are divorced although divorce wasn't through yet ?