Lillah and charity

Giving charity to one's father in law

Q: I just started a business of my own. I decided to give 5% charity in the name of Allah from the profits. I just want to know that where should I spend this money.

There is a case among my relatives, my father in law has 7 children; 5 girls and 2 boys. Four of them are married and one is unmarried. The eldest son has a special case with deafness and now going to be blind because they don't have enough money to operate on his eyes. The younger son is not working at all. He just sits at home all the day. The age of my father in law is above 60s. My question is that can I give this money to him?

Giving sadaqah to non-Muslims

Q: For the past few days I was giving sadaqa everyday to needy people, especially cleaners working for Baldiyah. I don't know if the cleaners are Muslims or non-Muslims. I mostly give sadaqa to them only.

Please let know if the money which I give to non-Muslims as sadaqa is acceptable or I should only give it to Muslims only. I really dont know their religion because they are cleaners who wear the same clothes.

Using one's husbands money to give sadaqah

Q: I am a woman with no income of my own. I do not receive a personal allowance from my husband for myself. He does give me a monthly allowance which is for household expenses. It really bothers me that he constantly sends money for building of wells and musjids for sadaqaa jaariyah for himself. Can I use a portion of this household money to send in my name for my own sadaqah?