Lillah and charity

Taking food from food banks

Q: What is the ruling for taking food from food banks (that give food to anyone who comes? My family is not poor but can have a tight budget of halal income and my mom goes to food banks to get food because anyone can. Also, if someone takes food from a food bank without needing it, does the food become haram?

Also, the food banks get donations from halal meat places, and some of the packaging has company name and the halal symbol on it but some don't (because the separate them into plastic bags). The people at the food bank say that the one's that don't have labels on it also came from halal stores. Is it permissible to eat these?


Q: We purchased goods from Pakistan but will sell it in Kenya. So for sadaqah, where do we give for these goods?

Can the poor also earn rewards like the rich despite not having wealth to spend in charity?

Q: How can a poor person compete with a wealthy person in terms of good deeds as the wealthy are able to do so much more good deeds with their wealth? In fact, wealthy people can even receive rewards after they pass away due to Sadaqah Jariyah, but as for the poor, their rewards are very little.