Lillah and charity

Assisting beggars


1. Many a times Muslims beg for money inside and outside the mosque. Should or should I not give them? 

2. I donate money to charitable organizations, but I doubt whether the money reaches the poor.

Giving money in charity on the assumption that it is interest

Q: From the information I had available to me, I thought a sum of money was haraam interest. I gave this money to the poor without the intention of reward. I was later informed by the bank that in fact no interest was accruing in my account. I therefore gave out halaal money without the intention of reward. Will Allah Ta'ala still reward me despite the intention made at that time?


Q: Last couple of months my wife is very sick and I would like to give out Sadaqa. My question is 1:-What intention I must make? 2:-Can I give this Sadaqa to poor Non Muslims?

Giving sadaqah

Q: I know I am supposed to listen and obey my parents but I wanted to give sadaqa on a regular basis where the charity takes the money out of my bank account weekly but my dad said not to do that saying we don't have much money and just to put some loose change in sadaqa from my pocket now and then. However, I do feel that I have sufficent funds for my needs and the rest is spare. So what shall I do, shall I listen to my dad or shall I just keep giving on a regular basis from my bank account?