Lillah and charity

Donating one's hair to make wigs for children with cancer

Q: I am a female in need of advice about the cutting of hair in terms of disposal. I cut my hair on Friday and someone mentioned this foundation to me where you can donate your hair and they make wigs for children with cancer to use. Now my mum says she's not sure if it's a good idea because Islamically you must bury your hair and I agree with that. However, I really just want to make a difference for a cancer-suffering child and of course I won't do it if it's wrong. My question is: Is it wrong to donate your hair for cancer patients?

Remainder money that was collected for a function

Q: I have a question regarding some money left unused post event. At a college function I and my class mates were organisers and we collected money from mates and juniors. The intention was clear that all money should be used, but some amount has been not used. So now who is the shari'ee owner of that money? Is it permissible for me to take back money which I had given for the event? My mates have an excuse that we were helping physically and fancially? Not the others. Do organisers have the right to take the money only what they have given or whole amount? If not what is the shar'ee hukum?

Raising funds using videos

Q: A charity trust run under the stewardship of scholars is doing fund raising by means of video appeals in the Masjid Jamat Khana. In these videos faces of people can be seen. Ulama condone this by attending the programme in the Masjid. Is raising funds in this way permissible and is it permissible to broadcast such videos in the Masjid Jamat Khana?